Radial Blade Fan Wheel vs. Backward Inclined Fan Wheel: Key Differences and Best Applications

Radial Blade Fan Wheel vs. Backward Inclined Fan Wheel: Key Differences and Best Applications

When selecting a fan wheel for a dust collection system, it’s crucial to understand the differences between radial blade fan wheels and backward inclined fan wheels. These two types of industrial fans serve distinct purposes and best suit specific applications. Below, we’ll explore their differences and when to choose one over the other. 

Understanding the Fan Wheels 

Dust collector backward inclined fan wheel has curved blades for differences in air movement efficiency

Backward Inclined Fan Wheel

Backward Inclined Fan Wheel 

A backward inclined fan wheel is a type of centrifugal fan in which the blades curve away from the direction of rotation. This design allows for efficient air movement. Its common use is for general ventilation, forced cooling at higher pressures, and also in dust collection systems where the fan operates on the clean air side of the dust collector. The curved blades enhance efficiency by reducing energy consumption and noise while maintaining strong airflow. 

Radial Blade Fan Wheel 

A radial blade fan wheel features flat blades instead of curved blades. These fans operate at high pressure and move air radially outward from the center of rotation. Due to their design, radial blade fans handle particulate-laden airstreams more effectively than backward inclined fans. This makes them ideal for dust collection applications where some dust bypasses the separation process. 

Choosing the Right Fan for a Dust Collector 

The choice between a radial blade fan wheel and a backward inclined fan wheel largely depends on the placement of the fan in the dust collection system: 

Backward Inclined Fan Wheel: Best suited for applications where the fan is positioned after a dust collector that uses filters to remove dust from the air. Since these fans are designed for clean air environments, they work efficiently with minimal maintenance concerns. 

Radial Blade Fan Wheel: Ideal for situations where the fan follows a cyclone separator, which may allow some dust to pass through. Radial blade fans are designed to handle dust-laden air efficiently without clogging or experiencing excessive wear. 

Best Applications for Each Fan Type 

Backward Inclined Fan Wheel Applications:

  • General ventilation systems 
  • HVAC systems requiring higher pressure 
  • Dust collection systems where the fan is on the clean air side (after filter-based dust collectors) 
  • Industrial processes that require efficient airflow with minimal energy consumption 
Dust collector radial blade fan wheel has flat blades for differences in high pressure air movement

Radial Blade Fan Wheel

Radial Blade Fan Wheel Applications:

  • Dust collection systems including a cyclone where dust-laden air must still be handled by the fan 
  • High-pressure industrial applications where particulates are present 
  • Material handling systems where the air carries solid particles 
  • Processes involving sticky or fibrous materials that might clog other fan types 

Choosing the right fan wheel for a dust collection system is essential for maintaining efficiency and longevity. If the fan operates in a clean air environment, a backward inclined fan wheel is the best choice due to its efficiency and quieter operation. However, if the fan must handle dust-laden air, a radial blade fan wheel is the preferred option because of its ability to resist clogging and handle particulate matter effectively. By understanding these distinctions, you can select the optimal fan wheel for your specific dust collection needs, ensuring reliable performance and system longevity. 

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Installing Dust Collectors with Ryan Jackman – Dusty Jobs Podcast – S5 E6

Installing Dust Collectors with Ryan Jackman – Dusty Jobs Podcast – S5 E6

We’ve been eager to connect with our lead installer, Ryan Jackman, for some time. We finally had the chance to sit down and discuss the crucial considerations for a successful dust collection installation. Many customers are unsure about the specifics, such as the required size of the concrete pad or whether the installation area is sufficiently clear of obstructions for crane access. Donovan poses these questions to Ryan to provide valuable insights to our customers for their first dust collector or baghouse installation.



Narrator: Welcome to the Dusty Jobs podcast from Imperial Systems. Industry knowledge to make your job easier and safer.

Donovan: Hello and welcome to another episode of the Dusty Jobs podcast. We’re glad to be back in the studio. It’s been a little while since we’ve been in here, but today we got Ryan Jackman with us. Ryan, how you doing, man?

Ryan: Pretty good. How about yourself?

Donovan: Good, good. So Ryan, what is your role here at Imperial Systems?

Ryan:So here at Imperial, I am the installation manager. I manage all the installs that the customer requests from our factory, so factory installs on all equipment.

Donovan: Yeah, yeah, and you’ve been doing that for us four or five years now?

Ryan: About three and a half years, yeah.

Donovan: Three and a half years, yeah. So plenty of experience, have seen tons of problems, issues, good installs, bad installs, and so today we’re gonna talk to you about what we can do to help have installs ready. But before that, I wanna say, now prior to working with Imperial, you did serve in the military, correct?


Donovan: So you did a little bit of time with–

Ryan: I was in 10 years in the US Navy.

Donovan: Right, so I just wanna say thanks for your service and we really appreciate that. So we’re great to have our veterans. We have a couple veterans that work here with us at Imperial and we’re just glad you’re one of those. All right, but let’s get into this. All right, when we’re talking about installation, right? What is the, what’s the top thing people could have ready for you guys when you show up or ready for themselves if they’re gonna do a self-install? What are the top things you say, have this ready ahead of time and things will go way smoother?

Ryan: So there’s quite a few things. Just off the top of my head, first thing would be site preparation. I mean, where the equipment’s going to be placed, a nice level concrete pad or at least plans to make the equipment level itself in a thorough plan of where you want the equipment to be ran, routed, duct work runs, that kind of stuff. But the biggest thing is site prep. Just having that space to work and to install the equipment.

Donovan: So not just the pad ready, but the space around it you’re saying?

Ryan: Yeah, so like just having room to assemble the equipment ’cause assembling this equipment takes up a lot of space and the more space you have, the easier the install goes.

Donovan: So a typical CMAXX, let’s say we’re on a CMAXX that’s a CM10. That’s like what the dimensions on that’s probably about 20 feet long, 10 feet wide, right? So when you have a piece of equipment that’s around that size, how much area around that area do you need to do work? Twice the size of the CMAXX, three times? What do you look, I mean, obviously, as much as you can get, right?

Ryan: Yeah, I mean, if you could comfortably operate like heavy machinery, like a telehandler forklift, or you can move materials in and out around the equipment along with the equipment being there, it would be plenty enough room.

Donovan: I gotcha, I gotcha. So that’s if we’re doing a ground install. What if we have to put this on top of a building? What are you looking at for that?

Ryan: First off, making sure the building can support the weight of the unit.

Donovan: That’s a really good idea to check with some engineers before we get there. –

Ryan: And then if you’re making roof penetrations or stuff like that, just making sure you have the subcontractors, whoever you’re using, lined up. So once you cut that hole in the roof or you make that penetration, you can go back and close it up.

Donovan: That’s a great point. A lot of times, we don’t do everything that’s needed to be done on the job. There’s points where you need other people to be partner with us in this endeavor, right? And one of them is you set a roof contractor. We’re going through the roof.

Ryan: Electricians or guys that run air lines or really any subcontractor, concrete guys, all that stuff needs to be lined up before you start your install.

Donovan: So the more communication prior to that with other subcontractors, do you see that it tends to help it get a lot smoother, you think?

Ryan: Yeah, so if everything’s planned out in a sequential fashion, everything runs seamlessly. And I can hand off to a sub and he can hand back off to me and we can just keep moving along.

Donovan: Right, we don’t want to be putting the CMAXX up and then trying to pour the concrete, right?

Ryan: Yes, absolutely.

Donovan: So I know one of the questions I get a lot when people are getting ready to do an install is they ask about that concrete pad and they ask how big it should be and they ask how thick it should be. Now, I know for one, we can’t always tell them how thick it should be because how thick you need a pad in Canada could be totally different than how thick you need a pad in Florida. So, but when we’re talking about the size of the pad, okay, and if we give them a footprint of a CMAXX, how much bigger would you want that pad? I mean, obviously as big as you can, but minimum.

Ryan: Yeah, I mean, obviously larger is better. But at a minimum, I would say you’d want at least a foot in every direction larger than the footprint of the equipment.

Donovan: Yeah, and that helps give you guys enough room to…

Ryan: Yeah, that gives enough room so you’re not putting anchor bolts right on the edge of the pad or you’re not side loading the pad and that kind of stuff.  And then if you do need a little bit of wiggle room to move the equipment to the left or to the right, a couple inches to miss a structural beam inside, you know, you have that option.

Donovan: That’s a good point. Sometimes you’re looking on the outside, people don’t always think about what’s going on on the inside. So, kind of try to see that project with some X-ray vision if you can when you’re thinking through it. That’s a good thing. Okay, so what are the top things when you get to a job site that people tend to forget? Are there certain things you run into time and time again that you’re like, oh, people forgot about this? What would that be?

Ryan: I would say just, if myself is doing the install as a subcontractor coming onto a customer site, forgetting to relay information when we’re able to work, what kind of safety equipment we have to have while we’re there or is there special regulations we have to follow? Do we have to have extra PPE or something along that lines? Relaying that information ahead of time allows us to plan more on when we can work, how long we can work, who has to be on site while we’re working, just that kind of stuff. I mean, for a customer that’s doing self-install, I mean, if you’re doing a self-install at your own facility, everything’s kind of on you.

Donovan: Right, right. But for you guys, if they’re coming, maybe if you have to have a safety training video ahead of time, that’s good to let you know.

Ryan: Yeah, all that. Anything that takes up time is good information to pass.

Donovan: Right, yeah. Yeah, some places have lockout tagout systems that are different than other ones. Some places have different hot permits or different permits that they need. So all that information being passed to you ahead of time is really gonna help make things go smoother.

Ryan: Yep.

Donovan: Right, well, that’s great. If you had to give someone the top tip other than give you a call and talk ahead of time, right? Which is obviously more communication better, right? What’s the top tip for when you’re putting in a CMAXX? Something that’s just like, maybe something you’ve learned along the way that’s like, oh, if you do this, it makes things go easier.

Ryan: Top tip to customers when you receive initial approval drawings of your system is to review those in detail. Make sure that the equipment that you have allocated to be connected to is where it’s going to be. Make sure that the duct runs are where you want them, satisfactory to your liking. ‘Cause the one big thing we like to avoid is rework. So putting something up and then realizing, oh, that’s not quite how we wanted it. Let’s do it this way.

Donovan: Right, and I’m glad you brought this up because we’re sitting here talking about installing a CMAXX, but here at Imperial, we’ll do the full turnkey system. We can help with the engineering. We can help with all the duct runs. And I know for you, a lot of times, if you can do it, it’s great to, I would say if someone’s out there getting ready to do an install, ask for your salesperson to put a little money in the budget to have you guys come out ahead of time. Wouldn’t you say that’s a big money saver in the end for a lot of people?

Ryan: Oh, absolutely. Yeah, this is what we do every day. So I can walk on site and check out a site and I can tell you 10 things you can do and 10 things you can’t do that you probably wouldn’t have thought about in the first place. Just how our equipment goes together and how it works and what it takes to erect it. So yeah, just reviewing those, taking that time to plan the system out and the engineering and then reviewing those documents before it actually gets fabricated and installed.

Donovan: Right.

Ryan: It saves so much time.

Donovan: And like I’m saying, I think it’s huge. If you can afford it and you can have it to get you and the other guys who are helping engineer this there ahead of time, boy, that’s gonna save a lot of headache in the end from what I’ve seen on a lot of jobs. Because like you’re saying, you’re not going and putting a heater in on the weekends. We’re not playing tulips on the side. We just do this. This is all we do is installation of industrial ventilation systems. That’s it. Everything from our BRF to a CMAXX and those can be very different beasts when we go to put them in. But you’ve done them all.

Ryan: Yeah, yep.

Donovan: So what’s the craziest thing you’ve seen on a site when you’ve got there and you’re like, man, I wish I could have got eyes on this ahead of time.

Ryan: Oh, there’s been quite a few.

Donovan: Go ahead, give us a couple.

Ryan: Showing up to a site and like the customer never relayed that there was overhead power lines directly above where we needed to set equipment. So we had to completely change up how we were gonna erect this ’cause we couldn’t use a crane or anything like that. You know, that plays into a safety factor too. Like the more information you can give about your site. I mean, we can look on Google maps all day, but you can’t see everything.

Donovan: Right.

Ryan: Terrain that your site’s on, just all that stuff helps. You know, other things is we were at a customer’s facility one time and we had to hang large diameter ductwork from the ceiling and come to find out their ceiling would not support that ductwork. So we had to change the whole system and move everything outside and ground some support everything. So just doing your due diligence ahead of time, you know, really plays into it. And that keeps me from having stories to tell when I get back.

Donovan: Well, yeah, I mean, but here’s what I love about your story, Ryan. Typically when we have these stories, it’s not like, and we had to walk away from that. You guys have always found a way to work with the customer and make it right.

Ryan: Yeah, that’s the thing when you’re doing field work, it’s not “can’t”. Can’t’s not an option. It’s how.

Donovan: Right.

Ryan: I got told by a good mentor of mine one time that can’t isn’t an option. You have to figure out how you’re going to do it. So it’s just get it done.

Donovan: Right, right. And I know we’ve said about a hundred times on this already, but the more communication up front, the more information we have at the beginning, the more, the best information we get helps that not turn into having to pivot on these job sites, but it helps it be, have a real clean plan when we come in. And that’s really what we want, right?

Ryan: Yep.

Donovan: So what is the most successful install you’ve had? One where everything just went perfect.

Ryan: I mean, no install is perfect, none of them. There’s always something to fix. There’s always, you know, when you’re dealing with such large systems, there’s going to be something that’s missed, but I mean, one doesn’t stick out on the top of my mind. I mean, every install we do equipment wise goes good. But I would say…

Donovan: There’s not one where you came home and you just said to the wife, you know what, that one went how, I wish they all went like that.

Ryan: Yeah. We did an install in Sullivan, Illinois at AgriFab actually. It was a larger CMAXX, I think it was a CM32 and we were connecting to two laser tables. It’s a frequent customer of ours. We go there quite often. We have quite a few systems there and they know how to work with us. They, you know, we relay information back and forth and that was the one install I think went flawless from start to finish. You know, our collector placement was good and wall entries were fine. You know, it was to equipment we were familiar with and Mazak lasers. So we had the, you know, the diameters of the connections themselves and everything just went smooth. We were scheduled to be there a week, I think. I think we finished it in two and a half days. So that one really sticks out in my mind. There’s been a couple other ones with larger equipment like bag houses, but those were pretty much just equipment only, new duct work. It really starts to get into it when you’re starting to get into buildings and connecting to equipment. That’s where all the little nuances come into play and where people miss things and elevations and.

Donovan: Yeah. But I like the things that you said about your most successful one that you could think of in your mind. It hit all the points that we’re trying to get on, right? That they had their site prepped on ahead of time, right? They were familiar with us, were familiar with them. They understood, we understood what equipment we were hooking up to. They understood what the requirements were of our equipment. And so the number one thing I know for a lot of people out there listening is probably this might be one of the only times they get installed. They might only buy one or two dust collectors, but the more you can learn about Imperial ahead of time, the more we can learn about you, really seems like that’s gonna be the key to having a great install.

Ryan: Yeah. And I’ll say this, we have those one-off customers that we only go to their place one time, but I would say 95% of the time when we’re somewhere, we’re coming back. They’re getting more equipment. We’re gonna be doing more. I get asked all the time to, “Hey, while you’re here, can you come look at this real quick? We wanted to do this.” Our company and our guys are really good about getting the work done and getting it done responsibly and quickly. So, repeat customers is a constant thing for us.

Donovan: Well, that’s great to know too, because if you’re out there and you’re getting a CMAXX and you think you have something else we could help you out with, like Ryan’s saying, he’s more than glad to come and look at whatever you got going on there. Relay that back to the home base here so we can keep serving people well. So, all right, here we go, last thing. Number one hot tip for, if you do this one thing, well, we already said that, didn’t we? It’s have Ryan come ahead of time if you can. That’s the best tip. If we can have someone there on site, have them there.

Ryan: Yeah, and then for self installers, I would say number one is if you have questions, call, ask.

Donovan: True.

Ryan: Don’t assume that you’re doing it correctly. If you don’t think you’re doing it right, call, talk to one of our service techs or our sales guys or anything like that and just call and ask the question. That way you get it right the first time and then when we come out to do the startup, it’s seamless.

Donovan: Yep, yep, so for mechanical contractors or anybody else out there that might be listening to this to do self install, yeah. If it doesn’t go right the first time, have Ryan do it the second time. So, right?

Ryan: Yep.

Donovan: There we go.

Ryan: Always goes easier the second time. So, all right, well hey, thanks for giving us a couple minutes. I know you guys are busy and we can never really even catch you in the office here, but really appreciate it. For everyone else that’s out there listening, like, subscribe, come to all our social media feeds, LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook, and until next time, stay healthy and stay safe.

Narrator: Thanks for listening to the Dusty Jobs podcast. Breathe better, work safer.

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Understanding the Hidden Operational Costs of Your Industrial Dust Collector

Understanding the Hidden Operational Costs of Your Industrial Dust Collector

Industrial dust collectors play a critical role in maintaining a safe and clean working environment. Still, their effectiveness can come at a cost that should be considered at the time of purchase. While the initial purchase price often takes center stage, the true financial impact of a dust collection system lies in its operational costs. By understanding these hidden expenses, facility managers can better plan budgets and optimize system performance. 

U.S. currency bills and coins shown in reference to hidden dust collector operational costs


Energy Consumption 

One of the primary factors in the operational cost of a dust collector is energy consumption. Dust collectors require powerful fans and motors to capture airborne particles, and these components run continuously during operation. Depending on the facility’s size and the system’s workload, energy costs can quickly add up. It’s important to look for systems that offer energy-efficient designs. Examples include variable frequency drives (VFDs) or optimized airflow management, which reduce electricity usage while maintaining effective dust control. 

Maintenance and Labor 

Regular maintenance is crucial for ensuring that a dust collector continues to perform at its best. Maintenance tasks can include cleaning filters, inspecting and replacing worn-out parts, and conducting system performance checks. These activities not only incur material costs but also require labor hours. Skilled technicians are needed to perform these tasks safely and effectively, which means labor costs must factored into the overall budget. Neglecting regular maintenance can lead to system inefficiencies or unexpected breakdowns, resulting in more expensive repairs and even unplanned downtime. 

Consumable Replacements 

Over time, certain components of a dust collection system, such as cartridge filters or filter bags, will wear out and need replacement. The frequency and cost of these consumables depend on the type of dust collector and the nature of the collected dust. For example, environments with high dust loads or abrasive materials might require more frequent replacements. Additionally, some brands of dust collectors may require more or less filters than others. It’s essential to factor in these recurring costs when evaluating the long-term investment in a dust collection system. Budgeting for consumable replacements ensures that your system continues to operate safely and efficiently without interruption. 

Downtime and Productivity Loss 

Operational downtime is another significant cost that often goes overlooked. When a dust collection system is offline due to maintenance, repairs, or unexpected failures, it can disrupt production processes and lead to lost productivity. In industries where continuous operation is critical, even a brief downtime can translate into substantial financial losses. Investing in a reliable system and filters, and implementing a preventive maintenance program can help minimize downtime. Additionally, having a contingency plan in the form of spare parts can mitigate the impact on production when issues arise. 

Disposal Costs 

The process of collecting dust is only one part of the equation. Disposing of the captured dust and spent consumables safely is another challenge that incurs costs. Depending on the material collected and environmental regulations, the disposal process can involve significant expenses. Whether you need to transport the waste to a specialized facility or follow specific hazardous waste handling procedures, these costs need to be considered in the overall operation of the dust collector. 

Regulatory Compliance 

Lastly, ensuring that your dust collection system meets local and federal safety and environmental regulations is essential—and often expensive. Regulatory compliance might involve investing in additional equipment, regular inspections, or modifications to the existing system. Failure to comply with these standards can lead to fines, legal issues, and even forced shutdowns, all of which can have a significant financial impact. Staying updated with regulatory requirements and incorporating necessary changes proactively can help avoid costly penalties and safeguard your business operations. 

Consider the Dust Collection System’s Operational Costs First

In summary, while the initial investment in an industrial dust collector is an important consideration, the ongoing operational costs—ranging from energy consumption and maintenance to consumable replacements, downtime, disposal, and regulatory compliance—play a critical role in the system’s total cost of ownership. By taking a comprehensive approach to budgeting and maintenance, facility managers can ensure their dust collection systems are not only effective at protecting workers and equipment but also cost-efficient in the long run. Balancing these costs against the benefits of a cleaner, safer workplace is key to making informed decisions and sustaining operations over time. 

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Can I Clean My Dust Collector Filters Off With Compressed Air?

Can I Clean My Dust Collector Filters Off With Compressed Air?

When it comes to maintaining a dust collection system, one of the most important tasks is keeping the filters clean. Over time, filters become clogged with dust, which can reduce the system’s efficiency and impact air quality. A common question many people ask is whether it’s okay to take filters out of the dust collector and manually clean filters using compressed air. While this method might seem like a quick fix, we do not recommend it for several important reasons. 

The Risks of Cleaning Filters with Compressed Air 

Using compressed air nozzles to clean your dust collector filters may seem like a convenient option. However, it poses several risks that could ultimately damage your filters and compromise system performance.

1. Risk of Physical Damage

When loading up filters with dust and debris, they can become quite heavy and awkward to handle. If you remove the filter from your dust collector to clean it with compressed air nozzle, you run the risk of inadvertently dropping or mishandling the filter. This can lead to physical damage such as tears or dents in the filter media. A compromised filter may no longer function effectively. This leads to dust leakage that can affect the clean air side of your system. 

2. Creating Tiny Holes in the Media

One of the most significant dangers of using compressed air nozzles is the potential to create tiny holes or punctures in the filter material. Even a small hole in the filter, easily missed by the naked eye, can allow dust to bypass the filtration process. This defeats the purpose of having the dust collector in the first place. As dust particles slip through, they will be released into the air, potentially causing air quality issues and health hazards. Over time, this can also put additional strain on your dust collection system. As a result, it will work harder and use more energy. 

Trying to clean filters with compressed air like this is highly discouraged

3. Compromising Filter Efficiency

Most dust collector filters are designed to trap particles of specific sizes. Directing compressed air at the filter can forcefully dislodge particles. However, this action can also disrupt the structure of the filter material. By doing so, you may alter the filter’s ability to capture smaller dust particles. Once the structure is compromised, the filter’s effectiveness diminishes, which can result in less efficient dust collection. 

What You Should Do Instead of Cleaning Filters with Compressed Air

Rather than relying on compressed air nozzles for cleaning, it’s important to recognize that even well-maintained filters will eventually need replacement. Over time, dust particles accumulate and begin to clog the filter, reducing its ability to function properly. Here’s how you can determine when it’s time to replace your filters: 

1. Monitor Differential Pressure

One of the best ways to know when your filters need replacing is by monitoring the differential pressure across the filter. Differential pressure is the difference in air pressure on the dirty side and clean side of the filter. As the filter becomes clogged, this pressure difference will increase. If the differential pressure reading rises above 5, it’s a sign. This means that the filter is no longer performing effectively and needs replacement.

2. Signs of Physical Damage

Even if the filter’s pressure readings are normal, it’s important to check the filter for physical signs of wear and tear. If you notice any tears, holes, or obvious damage, it’s time to replace the filter. Small imperfections in the filter material can lead to air quality issues by allowing dust to bypass the filtration system. 

3. Reduced Airflow

Another indicator that your filters may need replacement is reduced airflow in your dust collection system. If the system isn’t pulling air as efficiently as it used to, the filters may be too clogged or damaged to function properly. 

While using compressed air nozzles to clean dust collector filters might seem like an efficient solution, it’s not worth the potential risks. The damage that can occur from mishandling or creating holes in the filter media far outweighs the temporary benefit of a cleaner filter. Instead, allow your dust collector to handle the cleaning. Regularly monitor your system’s performance, keep an eye on differential pressure, and replace filters when necessary. Keeping your dust collector filters in good condition will help ensure the long-term efficiency and safety of your system. 

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NFPA 660: A Comprehensive Standard for Combustible Dust Safety

NFPA 660: A Comprehensive Standard for Combustible Dust Safety

Combustible dust has long been a safety concern across industries, with its potential to cause devastating fires and explosions. To address these risks, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has developed NFPA 660, a consolidated standard that provides clear, unified guidance for managing combustible dust hazards. 

So, What is NFPA 660?

NFPA 660 is a new, comprehensive standard that merges several existing NFPA standards related to combustible dust. These include NFPA 61 (agricultural dusts), NFPA 484 (combustible metals), NFPA 652 (fundamentals of combustible dust), NFPA 654 (general dust hazards), NFPA 655 (sulfur dusts), and NFPA 664 (wood processing dust). By merging these standards, NFPA 660 offers a streamlined approach to dust safety, eliminating redundancies and ensuring consistency across industries. 

This unified standard covers all aspects of combustible dust hazard management, including dust hazard analysis, engineering controls, equipment design, housekeeping, explosion protection, and more. 

Focus on NFPA 660 on combustible dustWhy NFPA 660 on Combustible Dust Matters

The creation of NFPA 660 is a significant step forward for industrial safety. By consolidating multiple standards into a single document, it simplifies compliance for industries that handle combustible dust. As a result, this unified approach ensures that facilities of all types can follow consistent and comprehensive guidelines. 

Additionally, NFPA 660 reflects the latest advancements in technology and knowledge regarding combustible dust hazards, ensuring that facilities are equipped with the most effective tools and strategies for managing these risks. 

Key Components of NFPA 660

1. Dust Hazard Analysis (DHA):

NFPA 660 emphasizes the importance of performing a Dust Hazard Analysis, a process that helps facilities identify areas where combustible dust presents risks of fire, deflagration, or explosion. This step is critical for developing effective mitigation strategies. 

2. Hazard Mitigation Strategies:

 The standard provides detailed guidance on engineering controls, such as dust collection systems, explosion venting, and spark detection systems. It also addresses administrative controls, like proper housekeeping practices and employee training. 

3. Industry-Specific Considerations:

 NFPA 660 recognizes that different industries face unique challenges with combustible dust. By integrating knowledge from the previously separate standards, it ensures that industry-specific hazards—such as those related to wood dust or metal shavings—are addressed effectively. 

4. Consistency in Compliance:

 A key benefit of NFPA 660 is the elimination of conflicting or redundant requirements across industries. Facilities that previously had to consult multiple standards now have a single, comprehensive document to guide their safety practices. 

Who Needs to Comply with NFPA 660?

NFPA 660 applies to any facility where combustible dust is generated, processed, or handled. This includes industries such as agriculture, food processing, metalworking, pharmaceuticals, woodworking, and chemical manufacturing as well as others. Compliance with NFPA 660 is essential not only for meeting regulatory requirements but also for protecting employees, equipment, and the surrounding community from the devastating consequences of dust-related incidents. 

How Do I Know If My Dust Is Combustible? 

Understanding whether the dust generated in your facility is combustible is a critical step in complying with NFPA 660. Combustible dust is not always obvious, as materials that seem benign in solid form—such as wood, sugar, or metals—can become hazardous when turned into fine particles. The only definitive way to know if your dust is combustible is to have it tested by a certified laboratory. Testing can reveal properties such as ignition sensitivity, combustibility, and explosion potential, enabling you to design effective safety and mitigation strategies tailored to your specific operations. 

The Path Forward

NFPA 660 is a game-changer for industrial safety. Its unified approach simplifies compliance, enhances safety, and ensures consistency across industries. By adopting NFPA 660, facilities can certainly mitigate combustible dust risks effectively, fostering a safer work environment for everyone. 

If your facility handles combustible dust, now is the time to familiarize yourself with NFPA 660 and ensure your operations are in full compliance with its guidelines. 

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