ServiceMAXX with Russ & Jeremiah – Dusty Jobs Podcast – S2 E2
In this very informative episode of the Dusty Jobs Podcast, Donovan is joined by two guests, Russ Ryland and Jeremiah Wann. They talk about what to do in case of a fire. Russ also gives tips about preventative maintenance that you can do to give your filters more life. Also they speak briefly on the ServiceMAXX team and how they will help you with any issue on any brand of dust collector.
Narrator: Welcome to the Dusty Jobs Podcast from Imperial Systems. Industry knowledge to make your job easier and safer.
Donovan: Thanks again for joining us and welcome to another Dusty Jobs podcast. We’re excited. We have a couple guests today. We’ve got Russ Ryland, our head service tech, and Jeremiah Wann, the owner of our company. How are you doing Jeremiah?
Jeremiah: I’m doing well. Thanks.
Donovan: Do you have anything you want to say about this podcast?
Jeremiah: We were just talking earlier that this is our first multi-person podcast. Hopefully it will be a little bit more enjoyable and relaxing. When I do it I’m usually uptight and super nervous. I’m going for fun today. We’ll see what happens.
Donovan: More than just me talking too. Russ how are you feeling today?
Russ: Doing good.
Donovan: You doing good? I know Russ would prefer climbing in a machine and fixing it, probably, than being in the office. That’s his M.O. He’s always out in the field, always traveling and helping people out. We really appreciate that here. The wealth of knowledge, the wealth of…well, I’ll stop talking about it. Why don’t you tell me about yourself Russ. How long have you been doing this type of work?
Russ: Well, I’ve been working for Imperial Systems for seventeen and half years now. I’ve kind of held many positions throughout the company and just worked up to running our service department and taking care of our customers.
Donovan: Now, you’ve got to tell this story, because I think it’s great. Tell us how you got started with Imperial Systems.
Russ: Well, I was going to school at night for mechanical engineering and technology and working at CCX at the time. They made some changes that was going to interfere with my school schedule. So I called Jeremiah up on my lunch break and told him that he’s going to hire me and I’m going to start in two weeks.
Jeremiah: That’s his version of it.
Donovan: Let’s hear your version of how this came on.
Jeremiah: I don’t remember the phone call. I don’t remember that. I just remember sitting around a campfire…
Donovan: Did he just show up one day?
Jeremiah: Kind of. No, I just remember that that was in 2002 maybe…
Russ: 2003
Jeremiah: You have to put it in context. I had a third bedroom office in my house. No customers. I couldn’t pay my own mortgage basically. We had, I think, about two guys in the shop, including myself. So I’d go into the midnight shift and work after I’d get done selling all day. Russ and I were just hanging out all the time. We just did everything together. So we were at my cousin’s bonfire one night, which is a western Pennsylvania thing if you’re not familiar with that. It’s pretty common around here. At our age it was common. I don’t do it too much anymore. One night we were just kind of sitting around the bonfire and he said, “I quit my job. When am I starting?”
And I’m like, “What?”
So I said, “Of course you’re starting but I don’t know how I’m going to pay you.” Real quick on that though, he came to work for me a few months later, and we laid him off and pretty much everyone else because we just didn’t have any work at the moment. So I was over at his house and his mom comes out and says something about, “Oh, Russ made more money on unemployment than he did working for you.” Thanks Ms. Ryland. That’s my version of it.
Donovan: Well, I know this from being able to interact with Russ and having him close by and being able to pick up the phone. I am glad he came back after unemployment and stuck it out because man he’s just such a valuable resource we have here with his knowledge. Russ you’ve been not only working on our collectors but you’ve been in – how many different types of collectors do you think you’ve worked on over the years?
Russ: Just about every brand you can imagine. I mean, I’ve been in some from the 50s. So, yeah, about every brand you can imagine, every style of collector out there at some point in time I’ve dealt with. Whether we’re just trying to help a customer repair what they have existing or just evaluate and see whether it’s even practical to fix on some of them.
Donovan: I think some people don’t know that. When they think of Imperial Systems or they think of what we do here they think we just build dust collectors. We’re more than that, man. We do full system work, full system design. Even if you get that machine out there and you need someone to come and help you turn it on and start it up. Russ is the guy that would be there, or Connor. We have a team of people who can go out and help do that. That’s why we have him on today to just help bring more knowledge to that that we’re not just building collectors and putting them out there. We’re full service and full everything here. The other thing is we’re going to give a little free advice today too. We’re going to give a little free knowledge. We’re going to let Russ handle maybe a few of those phone calls we get 100 times and just put it out here now so people can listen. So, we’re going to dive into a couple issues. Issue number one, Russ: fire. A lot of people have dust collector fires. What do you see? When you normally show up at a dust collector fire, what is the main cause of that that you see a lot of the time?
Russ: Sometimes it’s hard to pinpoint. Usually it’s some type of spark that got in the system or something hot depending on the source and the process that the plant is under. In wood applications it can be sanders. If the belt on a sander breaks and is on fire, I’ve seen that. In the metal cutting industries its usually sparks from plasma cutting or grinding. Those are usually the biggest culprits on those. Heck I saw one blast machine where they fed wood into it from a pallet.
Jeremiah: I was at that one numerous times.
Donovan: They just put the whole thing in there?
Russ: The whole pallet with the parts and it vaporized the pallet basically.
Donovan: I can imagine. I can imagine. So, once you arrive on the scene and there’s been a fire, what’s the first thing you’re looking at? What do you evaluate? Obviously by the time you arrive there the fire is out, the collector has cooled down. When you show up what are you looking at? What are the things you’re trying to assess on that machine to see where the damage is? Where do you see most of the damage in those situations?
Russ: The first thing you see is the paint job on the collector. Did it get hot enough to melt all the paint off? If it melted all the paint off, that’s telling you that the seals between all the joints could have possibly melted away. So that’s first. The overall condition when you first see the collector. If the paint is fairly intact then a lot of the gasketing probably survived. Then you just go from there to where you start looking at the tube sheet to see if the filters can seal against it still.
Donovan: You’re saying in a high heat situation you get warping? Is that what you see?
Russ: You can. You can have some warping in the tube sheet from immense heat. It all depends on how intense the fire was.
Donovan: A mild fire might just need new filters but at some point you might need a whole new system.
Jeremiah: Yeah, the lift mechanisms, whatever holds the filter in might warp. They might be shot. The door might be warped. The CMAXX has a very heavy door but its big so if it warps its either going to need to be adjusted or replaced depending on how hot the fire is, for sure.
Donovan: And I know this: The number one way to save your collector is just not to have a fire in it, right?
Russ: Yup.
Donovan: So, Russ has been here for a lot of it, and the other thing we didn’t talk about is how Russ helps with our R&D too. He really helps develop products. I think you and Jeremiah both were the ones who came up with our Spark Trap. You guys kind of worked on that together.
Jeremiah: I think so.
Russ: Yeah.
Jeremiah: Before we get into that though I want to go back to the fires. One of the important things that people don’t realize when they have a fire is that nobody is ever prepared for it. Somebody from the office looks out and there’s smoke pouring out of the dust collector or there’s smoke coming back in the plant or from the return air because a filters on fire. So what do you do? We’ve seen cases where people have gone up there and literally opened up the door and tried to put it out. These can be metal fires that you can’t put water on. You might have to put some type of an agent on there or CO2 or something like that to get it knocked out. So you should not try to handle that fire on your own. The best and the safest thing you can do is call the fire department. Have the fire department come out and deal with it. Quite frankly, you should have a site assessment done before. So if you’re putting in a dust collector, call your fire department and let them know you’re putting one in. Go over the plans with them. Explain to them what you’re doing, what the dust type is, what the sprinkler system looks like in the collector. Then come up with a protocol because you’ll never be prepared for it.
I’ll share a funny story with you. This is going back eight, nine years. I walked out into the plant and we had a couple guys up on a man lift, a scissor lift welding on there. The sparks had gotten down, and when they did there were some rags laying on the bottom of the man lift. So all I saw was a fire on the bottom of the man lift and I saw two guys up on the man lift. I was like, “Hey!” So, they saw the fire and they pointed to the fire extinguisher and I grabbed it. You would think – I consider myself fairly intelligent. I can kind of take care of myself.
Donovan: You’ve had a good amount of life experience.
Jeremiah: I’ve had a decent life experience. I couldn’t figure out how to get that fire extinguisher to work for the life of me. I just was in a panic mode. I wasn’t prepared for it. So it’s like a dust collector is the same way only a lot more severe.
Donovan: And complicated.
Jeremiah: And complicated. You open the door and now you’re introducing oxygen. Now you’re standing there. These people have families they have to go home to at night. So you want to make sure that they’re taken care of.
Donovan: Normally the door is up high. You might be on a ladder.
Jeremiah: They’re trapped on a catwalk. You don’t want to do that. You get with your AHJ, or authority having jurisdiction, and your fire department. Just run through everything with them. It’s better for us too because it’s less likely that the thing is going to burn so bad to where it warps or damages things. When we get there Russ can literally put new gaskets on and put some filters in and its fixed and everybody is safe.
Donovan: Save everybody money. Save everybody downtime. Save everybody’s life is what we’re looking for.
Jeremiah: Or you can take it a step further and before you put the dust collector in make sure you partner with a good company, whether its us or somebody else, that knows about combustible dust and fire hazards because you can put a lot of devices in. You can put CO2 systems in. You can put wet systems in. You can put dry systems in. Theres a lot of things you can do. So just make sure, I’d just tell the listeners or the viewers, to make sure you’re paired with the right company when you’re putting a dust collector in. I got off track. I just wanted to circle back to that.
Donovan: No, there’s no off track here. One of the ways you guys have developed to prevent fires was our Spark Trap. We’ve seen that effective in a lot – not just our collector, but a lot of collectors. It’s really great. It’s a good piece of equipment. If you’re listening now and you’ve had a fire or on your plasma table or on your laser table that’s a real simple, low cost, easy to install piece that can help prevent that.
Jeremiah: Grinding, blasting, torch, plasma, laser, anything with metal…
Russ: Yeah, basically any of these processes that can create a fine dust that could have a spark in the process.
Jeremiah: It has to have some mass to it too, and that’s the key. We get a lot of calls. We got a call from Disney World. They wanted to put one on their outdoor smoker. It was a big smoker. It was like an eight inch diameter…we said that if it doesn’t have some mass to it like metal dust, it’s an impingement type tortuous device is essentially what it is. That ember has a shield of fire around it. It has to actually hit something and knock itself out. Think about if you ever get grinding dust or if you’re welding and you get a bary, you know, and it gets on you. That’s a pretty heavy, molten piece of steel. It has enough mass to knock itself out. If you’re doing buffing for firearms, let’s say, and you have cotton and a rouge, burning embers of cotton. It won’t put that out. We’ve seen that before. People have misapplied them.
Donovan: Just call us. We’ll figure it out.
Jeremiah: We can do it.
Donovan: And if that’s not the solution we have other ones. I feel like we did a pretty good job on fire there.
Jeremiah: I think we did.
Donovan: Let’s move on. Let’s think here. Do you ever show up to a collector and it is just packed full of material? Do you ever have that experience Russ?
Jeremiah: Not our collectors. No.
Russ: I have seen a few out there. People don’t inspect their hopper that they’re filling, the drum underneath, or a screw conveyor plugs up or something like that. It just completely fills them to the top of the filters.
Donovan: You get that call. “Hey Russ. The collectors not…” and you open the door and its like someone stacked their locker, huh? Everything comes piling out.
Jeremiah: I have a funny story about that. I know Russ probably has a couple. When you’re either the salesman or the service guy and you pull up to a customer that you haven’t seen in a while or you’re just coming to say ‘hi’ the last thing you want to see is the customer at that dust collector trying to shovel it out, right? Because you know what that means? You’re getting dirty. You’re getting dirty. You’re going to spend the rest of the day helping them clean out that collector. Sometimes its not necessarily the design or the application. It’s just maybe an upset condition. There are things that can happen. I pulled up to one. It was a grain project. I pulled up to the collector. We had like eight or nine collectors on this job. I go up and there’s a guy going up with a skid steer to the dust collector, to the bottom of a baghouse, a BRF. So I’m kind of getting my hard hat out, kind of doing some stuff. All of a sudden I look back up and there’s no skid steer there anymore. Theres no guy. Theres no skid steer. He had opened the hatch on the grain bin and it completely just covered him. I know that’s kind of not funny in the industry because I know there’s been in grain silos some deaths and accidents. This one was on the ground and it could have been bad but it was just semi-funny because the guy was kind of completely covered with grain. I thought, “Oh, this is going to be a long day helping him get out.” It happens in our business, doesn’t it?
Russ: I remember when that one happened too.
Donovan: Russ, what about you? Do you have any experiences like that? Have you ever shown up to a collector and you’re like, “This is just…”
Russ: I had a plastic application where I showed up and they were having some issues with bridging over the airlock and it just completely filled the collector. Usually its lack of inspections and lack of checking the discharge device.
Donovan: Okay, so if we have somebody out there listening and they’re like, “Man, that happens to us all the time.” What are the things you could start to look for or notice. You’re saying an airlock. An airlock can bridge over. What would cause that? What would cause an airlock to bridge over?
Russ: One of the scenarios could be overfilling the discharge hopper underneath it and it allows it to back up through there. The simplest thing is just to check the discharge hopper more frequently. Other things could be a large object bridged across and settled on it. Run the collector without the airlocks running for an extended period of time and then turn them on. Did the dust form a cake above it? Those are some of the more common scenarios that we’ve run across.
Donovan: I can remember a couple pictures of this I’ve seen where you have the three sides of the hopper and they look all real nice and shiny and the other one looks like a steel drum from someone banging on it because it’s been bridging and that’s the only way.
Jeremiah: Yeah, you don’t want to see that.
Donovan: That’s not the correct service plan.
Jeremiah: They need some help. You don’t want to see that when that’s your collector and you installed that. You don’t mind seeing that when you’re going on a sales call and they need to get a new collector. One thing to talk about with that is that there are people that have plug ups. One of the things that we see a lot and Russ and I have dealt with this numerous times is that you get it all cleaned out. You put the cover back on. You turn the airlock on. You get the fan running. They think they’re fine. Three hours later they call back and they’re plugged up again. “I just don’t understand it. What was it? I even found, in this case, I found a two by four that was covering the airlock or something. It doesn’t make sense”
Well what it is, is if you get a really bad plug and you’re up in between the filters. You’re just jammed up. It’s really, really important to go in there and either take the cartridges out or to take the bags out and literally take a stick and inspect down in there and make sure that all that’s cleared out. It’s a big job because the easier thing to do would be to just turn it back on and go, but you can cause yourself a lot of grief by not cleaning that out because if you get a football sized plug come down now you’re plugged again.
Russ: It starts the chain reaction over again.
Jeremiah: I don’t know how many times we’ve gotten that call and they say, “We even found the board that plugged it. What caused it the second time?”
“Well, did you clean it out good?”
“Yeah, we cleaned it out pretty good.”
“No, I mean did you clean it out really good?” That little ball of dust can be hanging up in there and cause a lot of problems.
Donovan: I know we’ve talked about this a lot here how our style of collector is a vertical style collector and we have a large door that makes it easy to access and to check all that. There are other collectors out there that could be having that problem because they have a horizontal style collector. That just allows more bridging in between those filters.
Jeremiah: That’s interesting. I talked to one of our reps. He’s been with us several years now. He came from a leading competitor that makes a horizontal style cartridge. When we went and looked at our unit we opened the door up and you could see right down in the hopper. You know, you’ve got this big opening, about the size of this table, and you can look right down into the hopper. He said, “That is just amazing.”
I said, “What do you mean? I’m used to seeing this. What are you talking about?”
He said, “You can actually access the hopper if you need to.”
I still didn’t get it. “What do you mean?”
He said, “Well, the other ones were all these little holes that were all about this size. Theres no way to get down into that hopper to clean that out if it ever does bridge. I never dealt with that before so I never really noticed it. You’re absolutely right. Having that access is huge.
Donovan: At this table I am for sure the rookie, so this is a lot of stuff I’ve learned. I’ve learned a lot from you and from Russ.
Jeremiah: You’re not a rookie anymore. You’re getting there. We’ve got to get him cleaning out a couple dust collectors. Or maybe you have?
Donovan: I’ve been on a couple with Russ.
Russ: We did take him on a filter change project on a collector right after it caught on fire.
Jeremiah: I’m still hearing about that. I still hear grumbling about that. I forgot.
Russ: That was a long day. That was a rough day.
Donovan: It was a learning experience. We’ll leave it at that.
Russ: It was not our style of collector. The filers were ovals, bags.
Donovan: And that was a fire.
Russ: It was from the aftermath of a fire.
Donovan: That makes it tough.
Jeremiah: Good learning experience.
Donovan: It burned the bags off. They fell down into the collector. It was a complicated process, but we were there to support the customer and help them get it done. Like you said, I’m not normally doing that. When we need service done we’re all on board here at Imperial.
Jeremiah: You’re so good at what you do now with your podcast that we would never do that to you again.
Donovan: I’d be glad. I’d be glad to go with Russ and do the service. So, Russ, we talked about some of the issues that could happen, what happens with this bridging…material style, does that often lend to bridging? Different material styles?
Russ: Some materials are more prone to bridging. When you get into the longer, stringier type materials that cling together the material just naturally wants to cling to itself. Any kind of moisture presence can enhance that. Those types of materials you will see are more apt to bridge than some of the fine, loose dust. Anything that wants to clump is going to have the tendency to want to bridge.
Donovan: Maybe that’s another area people aren’t thinking to look for. If you’re getting moisture into your system somehow that’s causing you to bridge too, huh?
Russ: Yes, it can.
Donovan: That’s just a simple issue. Now, I don’t know if I’m describing this right but you were so tired of having to deal with this issue over and over again that you were kind of the spearhead of coming up with this Dust Level Sensor we have now, right?
Russ: Yeah with our drum kits, we kept coming across pretty frequently that people would fail to check the drums and empty the in a timely manner it can create backups into the collector. So we sat back and looked at some options and I kind of spearheaded it. We decided to do a drum dust level sensor. It’s a sensor that ultrasonically measures dust in the barrel. It can be used in any collector and any container where you can shoot down from the top.
Donovan: Yeah, you just drill a hole in and it sends a sound wave down. Am I describing this well?
Russ: Yes, it sounds a sound wave. Whenever it bounces off the material within the specified range of the sensor it triggers the fault and sends an alert. We have outputs where we can just turn on a static light, turn on a horn or something, or shut the collector down depending on what level you want to go with that.
Donovan: Now I know there’s other styles of monitoring devices out there. One’s got a wire that kind of goes down in and can hang off the lid. One is a paddle. I know I’ve talked to customers that they have the wire one and they’re not being real careful when they’re removing that and they’re snapping it right off.
Russ: You have that, and the paddle wheel is very hard to get the lid off the drum whenever its attached with pretty rigid flex hose. All those other types of sensors seem to be pretty cumbersome and hard to work with. We wanted to go with something that was very small. It doesn’t create another hassle.
Donovan: That sensor is only sticking like a quarter inch out the other side of the barrel.
Russ: On the inside of the drum, yeah.
Jeremiah: It’s like the size of a magic marker, or half of that. It’s about the weight of a magic marker too.
Donovan: And most of it’s at the top, not down into the barrel. It’s pretty sturdy too.
Russ: Yeah, it’s a heavy duty sensor.
Donovan: So, like I said, Russ is one of our R&D guys. He is out there seeing what the problems are and going, “There has to be a way we can make this better. There has to be a way we can try to solve this problem so I don’t have to get on an airplane from Pennsylvania to California to let somebody know that they have a two by four stuck in their hopper.” Right? Or just that they’re letting their barrel fill up too much. We’re glad to do that, if that’s what needed.
Jeremiah: Yeah.
Donovan: Now, I’m going to circle back around to this. I’ve listened to both of you and the one thing I hear over and over and over again is the number one thing you can do to service your collector is take care of it before you need the service. Preventative maintenance seems to be one of the big things that can probably help solve a lot of issues. Right?
Russ: Yes, it can.
Donovan: So I want to hear Russ’s top three things that people can do for preventative maintenance on their collector. These are the three things, if you’re not going to do anything else, do these three things to help make sure you’re collector is running good, regularly. What could be the three biggest things?
Russ: Well, monitor your differential pressure regularly. Knowing the history of your differential pressure tells you the condition of filters it gives you a trend to follow. So if you have a sudden change, say you’ve been running at one inch of water column and then the next day you’re running at ten. Okay, there is something, some kind of upset condition that happened, and that can help up pin point that kind of thing.
Donovan: Before we get too deep into this, in case anybody doesn’t know, what is differential pressure?
Russ: Differential pressure is a measurement of resistance of airflow across the filters. So we take the pressure before the filters and after the filters and that difference in pressure is the amount of resistance the filters are applying to the airstream.
Donovan: So how much is in the dirty side of the collector and how much is in the clean side of the collector? The pressure difference, right? Am I explaining that well?
Russ: Yeah. The difference between those two pressures is differential pressure. It’s a resistance across the filters, whatever those filters are imposing as a resistance. So that’s monitoring that and being aware is one big thing. Maintaining your pulse valves; I have literally opened up a pulse valve, a diaphragm valve and seen springs broken inside the valve. So the manufacturers do have maintenance intervals recommended. Typically on our collectors we recommend every two years rebuilding.
Donovan: So you’re saying if the springs broken, it’s probably not cleaning your filters, right?
Russ: Yeah, it’s not as effectively cleaning them.
Jeremiah: Well it’s a ten cent spring, and hundreds of dollars for the filters. Change them.
Donovan: Not only that, but your filters get clogged. Your differential pressure goes up. A ten cent spring could cause your whole system to go down. You could have guys you’re paying $20 an hour to sitting around over a ten cent spring. So, sorry keep going. I didn’t mean to interrupt you.
Russ: Compressed air pressure. Have the correct pressure for your collector. Usually I’ve seen that if you run too light of a compressed air pressure you can not effectively clean the filters. If you go too high on your compressed air pressure, you can damage a filter. Put a hole in it. So it’s very important to get clean, dry compressed air.
Donovan: I know for our machine we have a recommended one. Is that pretty universal across all machines or can that vary from machine to machine.
Russ: Some manufacturers have some slight variances from what we recommend. They’re all pretty close.
Donovan: So what would be that optimal number for your pressure? If you had to say that you want to be within this range…
Russ: Between eighty and ninety PSI.
Donovan: Eighty and ninety PSI. That’s heading to your tank and that’s where it should be. Well, and I know I’ve heard you say this a bunch of times too, because I’ve sat in on calls. You have to make sure that air is dry, right?
Russ: Yes.
Donovan: That can cause some issues too.
Russ: If you have moisture in your compressed air, that air is being blown directly on the filters, so water, or any kind of moisture – oil – in that compressed air will go directly on the filters and that can cause all kinds of filter problems.
Donovan: Which will make your differential pressure go up.
Russ: Yeah.
Donovan: Your point number one is really a key indicator. If you’re going to do anything on your machine it sounds like you should really be checking that everyday.
Jeremiah: Log your data. They make data loggers too that you can buy. How much are they? They’re pretty inexpensive.
Russ: Some of the real basic ones are probably about eighty dollars. Then you’ve got more advanced systems you can get. You can get up pretty crazy on some of them.
Jeremiah: Honestly sometimes OSHA requires it. DEP might require it. In your particular cause you have to check and see if you have to do it.
Donovan: I’ve seen the two dollar version of a pad and a #2 pencil.
Jeremiah: That works too. You can do it that way.
Russ: Put a clipboard right on the control panel and just write it down.
Jeremiah: The other thing that wasn’t mentioned, because you covered so much but the one thing I was thinking of is its important to keep your hopper clean from dust. So we were talking about the level indicator before. That’s important because if that dust starts to fill up in that hopper and you’re constantly running a full hopper you’re going to re-entrain that dust back on your filters and drastically shorten your filer life. You want to make sure that that’s empty. A lot of people, their indicator for knowing when it’s time to change the drum is when the dust collector starts to spike and their ∆P or their pressure drop. So that’s not a good thing. It’s a lot easier if you just clean it out, depending on what size. Some people have a twenty gallon drum. Some people have fifty-five, or their might be semi-trucks we’ve done where you’re loading out.
Russ: Self-dumping hoppers or something.
Jeremiah: Yeah, just make sure that there’s a regular PM on it and that it’s cleaned out regularly.
Donovan: I was just talking to someone the other day about their plasma machine. They’re running two ten hour shifts on it. So, that’s what’s happening to them. They keep getting back up. I don’t know if you’ve ever dealt with plasma dust but if it gets on the floor its just a mess.
Jeremiah: It’s like liquid.
Donovan: It is. So, it is not a fun one to clean up if you have to do that anytime.
Jeremiah: It stains your hands. It kind of gets in your skin.
Russ: It’s a mess.
Jeremiah: We’ve both been around that a lot.
Donovan: No one wants to be pulling that drum out and and just watch it go all over the floor. That’s not ideal. Well, Russ thanks for coming on. I really appreciate it. You have a wealth of knowledge. Jeremiah, thanks for being on too and being our first multi-person podcast.
Jeremiah: Our podcast is growing numerically.
Donovan: It’s growing. We really appreciate that. Russ, are there any other tips out there that you would like to leave anybody with, other than monitor your differential pressure? I’ve learned that one.
Russ: When you’re setting up a collector it’s important for filter life to get the airflow right because that wills set the stage for the lifespan of your filters.
Donovan: Great point. These aren’t just machines that you turn on and they’re ready to go. You’ve got to tune them in a little bit.
Jeremiah: I want to plug something though.
Donovan: Go for it.
Jeremiah: I mean, we have a service that does this, right? So what is this service? Tell us about this service.
Donovan: Russ is the head of our ServiceMAXX team. Just like everything else here it’s the “MAXX”. They can do startups. They can do service calls, troubleshoot. Russ is normally really good about being available on the phone. Any more these days a lot of people need a full report on what they have in their facility for either their insurance companies or their jurisdictions that they need to have that. We make very nice reports for that. We have a wealth of knowledge and ability. If you’re interested in that or have an issue and need something, call in. Theres a lot of people here. We’ll get you in touch. We’ll get you on the schedule. That’s us here. It’s not just for Imperial collectors. We can help.
Russ: We’ll service any collector out there.
Donovan: We just want to help you out. We just want to make sure you have a clean, safe environment for your workers. We want everybody to go home healthy at the end of the day.
Jeremiah: Absolutely.
Donovan: That’s what we’re trying to do here. If you’ve learned something today or you’ve enjoyed this podcast. I hope you like us and subscribe. We’re on all the podcast channels. You can find us on Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn. We’re on everything, all social media. I just want to say one more time thanks Jeremiah for coming on. Thanks Russ for coming on. Everybody who’s out there listening stay healthy, stay safe, and we’ll see you next time.
Jeremiah: Thank you Donovan.
Russ: Thanks.
Jeremiah: Thanks Russ.
Narrator: Thanks for listening to the Dusty Jobs Podcast. Breathe better, work safer.
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