by Erin Long | Oct 2, 2019 | Hidden from Archive
We love working with trade schools and programs. We want to support young people as they discover a future in skilled trades. So, with many schools losing their vocational programs, we’re pleased to feature one high school woodworking program that’s making an investment in its future.
This particular school needed a dust collection system that could handle several different kinds of woodworking equipment at once. They also needed it to give them good filter life and strong fire and explosion protection. To fit all those things in a small footprint, a CMAXX dust collector turned out to be the right solution.
This twelve cartridge CMAXX, sold through one of our representatives, features all the technology needed for safety and efficiency. This CMAXX acts as an in-line deflagration arrestor (IDA), meaning that it will stop a flame front from getting through. Explosion venting allows explosive force inside the collector to vent away safely from the building and people.
A Grecon spark detection and suppression system spots a spark in the ductwork and extinguishes it before it can cause a fire. An abort gate is also triggered by a spark or flame and will slam shut, diverting the fire in a safe direction.
Along with these fire safety features, the system includes an explosion isolation valve (EIV). An explosion automatically forces this device to close, stopping the explosion from traveling back into the building.
The filters used in this CMAXX are IDA nanofiber filters. The IDA filters allow the CMAXX to act as an in-line deflagration arrestor. They resist damage from a flame front and block it from passing onward. The nanofiber material will trap even the finest woodworking dust.
Tailored System for High School Woodworking Dust
Because woodworking dust applications may have different particle sizes, these filters also have overbags. These bags cover the filters and protect them from larger particles or abrasive material. This should give the school improved filter life and help save them money.
This system doesn’t have airlocks, because it doesn’t need them. Instead, it has two Rhino Drums. These drums replace an airlock by containing a fire, keeping it from traveling up into the collector. The Rhino Drum is grounded, has no motors or electrical wiring, and allows for easy drum emptying.
This CMAXX system also features a silencer to help control noise volume. Solenoid heaters keep the solenoids functioning in below-freezing temperatures. An integrated control panel is a handy feature that allows management of almost all the functions of the system to be from one control panel.
With the students back to their high school woodworking shop projects, they’ll have a fully equipped CMAXX system protecting them from any wood dust hazards.
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by Erin Long | Oct 2, 2019 | Hidden from Archive
In July, Mitch and Justin from our equipment sales team attended the AWFS woodworking trade show. The show prides itself on being North America’s largest trade show for woodworking equipment, technology, and networking. While all this woodworking is exciting on its own, holding the event in Las Vegas certainly offered some interesting after-hours activities. “For me, the AWFS wood show was a lot more than getting to spend a few days on the Las Vegas Strip. The amount of automation and technology at this show was truly impressive,” said Imperial Systems representative Justin Ferrainola.
Woodworking is a major dust collection industry, and trade shows are a key opportunity to network, learn about new woodworking products, and talk to woodworking companies about their experiences with dust control. “It is fair to say that typically, Imperial Systems’ largest market has been in metalworking and fabrication. That being said, after visiting this show, my eyes were opened to the continuous growing demand for quality dust collection in the woodworking industry,” said Justin. The show drew lots of attendees, and our sales team had many opportunities to meet with potential new customers.
Hermance Machine Company, an Imperial Systems representative, made their first appearance at this trade show this year. Their booth displayed some of their woodworking equipment, including a robotic cutting display that received a lot of attention. Hermance is a leader in industrial machinery for many different industries. The company has been manufacturing and selling equipment for the industry since 1902.
Dust collection in the woodworking industry continues to be a serious concern. Sawdust, wood pellets, and other wood waste are a major cause of dust fires. Many woodworking facilities need help designing a system to handle their wood dust safely. Many of these companies don’t know how many different options are available to them.
Our sales team travels to more trade shows every year to support our representatives and meet with industry leaders. With the CMAXX proving that cartridge collectors can be an excellent option for the woodworking industry, attending trade shows like this one helps us establish our presence and expertise. Many companies don’t know that cartridge collectors are an option for wood dust, so trade shows are a great opportunity to educate.
Get ready to see us at FABTECH in November, when we’ll have a full booth featuring the CMAXX, several of our other recently released products like the Rhino Drum, and even some exciting surprises we can’t talk about yet!
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by Erin Long | Oct 2, 2019 | Hidden from Archive
Who remembers the Pepsi Challenge? It was an old Pepsi television commercial. A blind taste test where People were offered a taste of Pepsi and Coke, and then asked to choose which one they liked better. Being a Pepsi ad, it was not surprising that everyone chose Pepsi. But I really can’t tell much difference between the two products. In a glass they both look the same, fizz the same, and they both taste like cola. It’s my opinion if you performed the same blind taste test using RC cola and Faygo cola, and asked people to choose which one was Pepsi and which Coke, they would choose between the two believing one was Pepsi and the other Coke. No matter what the big soft drink giants want you to believe, cola is pretty much the same product no matter what color the can is.
I used to believe the same was true about dust collection equipment. I began my career working for a large industrial sheet metal contractor. We designed and installed industrial dust collection systems across the country. That was our focus. But we did not make a dust collector. The reason for that was simple. The dust collector manufacturers were bringing work to us. Since we did not build a dust collector, or show favoritism of one brand over another, we managed to keep most of the manufacturers in our court. It was not unusual for us to be installing a system on the east side of town using a Coca Cola collector, and a system on the west side using a Pepsi Cola collector. And if a customer specified an RC Cola collector, we were fine with that too. Everybody had their favorite vendors. But when push came to shove, and I had to solicit dust collector pricing for a system, I got quotes from them all. Since they all claimed equal performance and features, I would select the lowest price collector for my system. We were more concerned about the system design, fabrication, and installation. The dust collector was just a metal box with filters in it at the end of the system. It didn’t matter to me if it was a blue box, a red box or a green box.
In 2008 the Imperial Sugar Explosion in Georgia changed all that. 14 deaths and 40 injured put a nationwide spotlight on dust collection systems. NFPA codes changed from suggested guidelines to enforced rules. A lot of consideration had to be given to the dust collection equipment selected. Corporate safety personnel were becoming more conscious and educated regarding the potential of dust-related explosions. Dust collector fabricators were trying to adhere to increasingly stringent safety codes. And sheet metal contractors like us who specialized in dust system design had to know the features of the dust collectors we were offering. Pmax, Pred and KST values were becoming a part of every discussion regarding the dust collection system design. Things like vessel strength, vent size, internal velocities, explosion venting, and flame suppression are just a few of the features that must be considered when selecting a safe, NFPA compliant dust collector.
My career took a change in 2010 when I began my employment with Imperial Systems. Although we are primarily a dust collector manufacturer, we also do turnkey system installations. I was not hired for my knowledge of dust collection equipment but for my strength in system design. I admit when I started with Imperial Systems, I still had a good bit to learn about dust collector equipment. And I have learned a lot. At Imperial Systems we are very proud of the quality and features that go into each one of our CMAXX dust collectors. We began as another “Want-To-Be” cartridge dust collector manufacturer and we made a few mistakes along the way. Our first collector design was not much more than a “cookie-cutter” version of what was already on the market. We were no different from the guys offering the blue, red, or green boxes. We realized offering another “Me Too” collector did nothing to set us apart from the more established brands. We looked for ways to improve our collectors, and it’s the CMAXX differences that set us above the competition and became our greatest strength.

The CMAXX collector’s 7- and 10-gauge construction makes it the strongest build collector on the market today. Then we made it even better by blowing it up. In fact, we blew it up several times to test its structural integrity and strength. The CMAXX collector was tested by an independent agency and proven to contain explosive pressures exceeding 4 PSI without damage or deformation. Our proprietary In-Line Deflagration IDA filters were also tested and proven to stop a flame front resulting from an explosion from passing beyond the filter chamber. The CMAXX housing is 20% larger that our nearest competitor resulting in lower can and interstitial velocities. Combining that with our vertical filter arrangement means better cleaning efficiency, longer filter life, higher performance, less maintenance, and greater energy savings. And the CMAXX is the only modular design dust collector on the market with no external bolt holes. That along with our Crown-Tech roof design makes it possible for us to offer the industry-leading 15-year warranty. The military-grade door latches, manifold mounted pulse valves, and “Even-Lock Technology” lift rails are a few of the other innovative features we have built into the CMAXX. Our newest innovation is our Rhino Drum, the only dust collection drum on the market today that has been tested to contain an explosion. With a Rhino Drum, you no longer need an expensive NFPA tested airlock at the collector discharge. The Rhino Drum is an inexpensive alternative that was tested to meet NFPA requirements without moving parts or electric utility needs. We may be the new guys on the block but our CMAXX has an impressive proven track record for quality and performance. Instead of us copying what the big brands have done in the past, they are starting to copy us. It’s flattering to be recognized as an innovative leader in our field.
Check out our CMAXX line. We are not the same old flavor or the same old fizz. We know the Blue, Red, and Green box name brands have become as synonymous to all dust collectors as the Kleenex brand is to all tissue, but we are not all the same. Our innovative CMAXX Collector is a cut above all the rest. Are you in the market for a new dust collector? We invite you to compare the CMAXX features against the others. We think you will agree that the Red, Blue, and Green box flavors have gotten a little stale. But if your main criteria to purchase a dust collector is based solely on a brand name that has been around longer than CMAXX, well good luck with that!
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by Erin Long | Oct 2, 2019 | Hidden from Archive
After twelve and a half years at Imperial Systems and two chili cook-off trophies, Carl Callen is retiring! Carl has been a key part of Imperial Systems from its early years, working hard, mentoring new employees, and keeping Jeremiah on his toes. We caught up with Carl before his retirement party to talk about his time here and his plans for the future.
You’ve been here for twelve and a half years. What did you do before that?
I’ve done every job that was out there to support my family. I spent eighteen years in the automotive industry, doing body work, painting, restoration… almost anything. I spent seven years working on railroad cars. I’ve done welding and fabricating. The automotive work turned into a hobby, and I’ve been restoring antique cars as side projects for years.
You were in the military?
I spent two years in the army, but I was behind a desk and it just wasn’t for me. I like jobs where I’m moving around and doing things with my hands. I got out and went back to doing the kind of jobs I’m good at.
What’s been the best thing about working at Imperial Systems?
This is one of the best places I’ve worked. I think one of my favorite things is giving Jeremiah a hard time. And some of the other guys, we’ve been working together for more than ten years. We’re like an old married couple, fighting and arguing all the time. I like teaching the new guys when they come in, help them learn to do things right.
What made you decide it was finally time for retirement?
My body has been telling me it was getting to be time. It’s gotten pretty hard to do all the getting up and down that I have to do all day. I’ve been working since I was a kid and it’s about time to give my knees and everything a rest.
What do you plan to do with your retirement?
I really like restoring antique cars, and I want to spend more time doing that, tinkering my garage and starting some new projects. I’ll be going to a lot of baseball games and softball games, too. My grandson is thirteen and my granddaughter is ten, so I’ll be going to watch them play. I’m looking forward to having more time to spend with them.
Any advice for the people who will follow in your footsteps here?
I’d just tell them “good luck!” and “hang in there!”. Just pay attention and learn everything you can.

A few months after we bid Carl farewell, we caught up with him to see what he has been up to with his new found spare time.
“I’ve been working on my honey-do list,” he told us, saying that he now has the chance to do things around the house that he never had time for before. “I’ve been thinking about coming back to Imperial. At least there I get a break!” In his extra time, Carl has been enjoying fishing, car shows, and of course, sleeping in. He likes to spend time on his porch with a cup of coffee, listening to the birds in the morning and the crickets in the evening.
The whole team at Imperial Systems would like to congratulate Carl on his retirement and wish him all the best.
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by Erin Long | Sep 26, 2019 | Case Studies
A CNC machining company needed a dust collector to handle the dust from their 12 horizontal grinding mills. The company, located in northwestern Ohio, provides CNC machining services. Moreover, they produce a variety of metal parts for different industries. However, the company faced a grinder mill machine dust problem in the midst of a busy schedule.
The company’s grinding machines produce a large amount of dust. But this dust was migrating into the other departments. Furthermore, it caused quality control issues and premature wearing of machining.
The company contacted Cardinal Air Design to help them solve their grinding dust problem. The job had some special requirements, and the company needed a dust collector designed to meet their needs. Cardinal Air Design recommended an Imperial Systems CMAXX dust collector for the company’s grinder mill machine dust.
Cardinal Air Design created a dust collection system based around a CMAXX CM006 dust and fume collector. The six-cartridge collector also has a set of HEPA after-filters. The cartridge filters and after-filters provide extremely high-efficiency filtration for fine grinding dust.
The company also requested a dust collector to fit in with the exterior of their building. Imperial Systems powder coated the collector, including the supports and the collection drum, to match the building exterior.
Cardinal Air Design provided ductwork design and installation of the system. The company received a complete turnkey system. As soon as the installation was complete, they could turn it on and start controlling their dust problem.
Feedback on the Grinder Mill Machine Dust Collection
The company reports being very satisfied with Imperial Systems’ dust collector. They are also satisfied with Cardinal Air Design’s service and system design. The CMAXX dust collector with HEPA after-filters provides the high-efficiency filtration they need.
The matching powder coat on the Imperial Systems CMAXX is durable. But it also gives a clean, polished appearance to the building exterior. The company’s new system works without problems, and the grinder mill machine dust is under control.
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