Excel Industries Improves Work Environment and Efficiency with Imperial Dust Collectors

Excel Industries Improves Work Environment and Efficiency with Imperial Dust Collectors

Excel Industries, a Kansas-based manufacturer, invented zero-turn mowers and produces Hustler and Big Dog brands. Due to the welding area of their production facility, they needed a fume extraction solution. As a result, Imperial Systems provided dust collection that greatly improved air quality and efficiency at Excel’s facility. 

Challenges at Excel Industries 

Excel Industries faced two main challenges. With over 50 manual welders, Excel’s top priority was employee health. “First and foremost was the wellbeing of our employees. We really wanted to create a good, healthy, and comfortable environment for our welders,” said Christopher Waldron, senior welding engineer. Because inhaling welding fumes can cause respiratory problems, Excel wanted to ensure their employees could breathe easily throughout the workday. 

Maintaining a clean and efficient shop floor was also important. That is because dust and particulate matter can create a messy work environment and potentially affect product quality. Additionally, finding a dust collector that required minimal maintenance and didn’t take up valuable floor space was crucial. “Floor space was a premium for us,” said Waldron. 

Additional Considerations 

Excel was also seeking a unit that needed minimal maintenance and didn’t need constant attention from staff. Because they experience the variety of weather in Kansas, returning heated or cooled air back into the facility is very important. This feature saves both electricity and money in the long run. 

Outdoor installation of a CMAXX dust and fume collector at Excel Industries

Why Excel Industries Chose Imperial Systems 

After considering various options, Excel Industries decided to partner with Imperial Systems for several reasons: 

Longevity: Imperial System’s lifetime warranty on the CMAXX Dust & Fume Collector appealed to Excel. “We were really interested in a unit that would last a long time,” said Waldron. The CMAXX’s arched roof and rain guard make it stand the test of time even in outdoor applications. 

Safety Pentagon Approach: Imperial Systems’ commitment to safety resonated with Excel. Their dust collectors featured innovative solutions to prevent incorrect operation or filter loading, ensuring the safety of Excel’s employees. 

Responsive Sales Team: Excel appreciated the dedicated attention they received from Imperial Systems’ team. “Their sales team was responsive. They were always there to answer our questions. It felt like we got a more personalized experience,” said Waldron. 

Positive Results 

After three or four months of use, Excel Industries was impressed with the CMAXX Dust and Fume Collector. They saw a significant decrease in airborne smoke and particulate matter in the welding shop. In fact, environmental testing revealed a 30-40% reduction in aggregate particulate across the shop, with some areas experiencing a reduction of up to 150%. This improvement in air quality creates a healthier and more comfortable work environment for Excel’s welders. 

Overall, Excel Industries’ experience with Imperial Systems’ dust collectors has been positive. The improved air quality has certainly led to a healthier work environment for employees, and the reduction in dust and particulate matter has likely contributed to increased efficiency. Likewise, if you are a manufacturer looking to improve your shop’s air quality and efficiency, Imperial Systems’ dust collectors are the best solution. 

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Arclabs Welding School Breathes Easy with Imperial Systems’ Dust Collection Solution

Arclabs Welding School Breathes Easy with Imperial Systems’ Dust Collection Solution

Arclabs Welding School in Columbia, South Carolina needed a weld fume extraction solution. They needed a system that could handle their current capacity as well as their future growth. They worked with Atlantic Dust Collection, an Imperial Systems representative, to find their ideal system. 

Overcoming Limited Space 

Outdoor CMAXX dust and fume collector installation at Arclabs Welding School in Columbia, SCArclabs Welding School was looking for a dust collection unit that could be installed outdoors. “Since we have limited space in the shop, we wanted the bulk of the equipment to sit outdoors. So, we wanted it built to last,” said Tana Holcomb, Campus Administrator.  Imperial Systems’ recommendation was its flagship product, the CMAXX Dust & Fume Collector. The CMAXX is known for its durability, heavy-duty construction, and lifetime warranty. 

Improved Air Quality Leads to a Safer Learning Environment 

Brett Vaughn, Welding Instructor, shares the changes he has seen since the installation of the dust collector. “The students completely love having that filtration,” he says, describing how quickly the shop fills with smoke if someone forgets to turn the CMAXX on, and how quickly the fume is removed once the unit is running. 

Arclabs opted for a 32-filter cartridge CMAXX unit with the capacity to handle not only their existing 40 welding booths but also an additional 20 booths planned for future expansion.  This future-proof solution ensures clean air for the expanding school and supports community growth and education. 

Safety and Health Benefits Appreciated by Everyone 

The positive impact of the CMAXX unit goes beyond just eliminating smoke. Students like Dylan Seymour no longer experience respiratory issues after a long day at work. “It’s literally a night and day difference,” said Seymour. “I don’t go home and hack and wheeze anymore.” 

Arclabs Welding School: A Model for Prioritizing Safety  

Arclabs Welding School has seen significant improvement in air quality and safety achieved with the installation of the CMAXX Dust & Fume Collector. Brett Vaughn strongly believes in the investment the school made in instructor and student health. “In my opinion, that fume filtration system is probably the best thing this school has ever done.” Arclabs Welding School serves as a model for prioritizing the health and safety of its students and staff by implementing effective dust collection solutions. Learn more about Arclabs Welding School here.

Check out our video testimonial with Arclabs Welding School:


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Investing in Your Team’s Health: Why a Dust Collector Can Be Your Secret Weapon for Employee Retention

Investing in Your Team’s Health: Why a Dust Collector Can Be Your Secret Weapon for Employee Retention

Recent years have reshaped the workforce landscape, leaving many businesses scrambling to retain valuable employees. In this competitive environment, companies are searching for innovative ways to attract and keep top talent. One often overlooked factor that can significantly impact employee retention is the quality of the work environment, specifically air quality and workspace cleanliness. 

While factors like compensation and career growth are undoubtedly crucial, creating a safe and healthy workspace plays a surprisingly large role in employee satisfaction. This is where dust collectors come into play, offering more than just a solution for dust control; they can be a valuable tool in fostering employee well-being and ultimately, boosting retention. 

The Toll of Dust: More Than Just a Nuisance 

Many workplaces, particularly those in manufacturing, milling, and agriculture, generate significant amounts of dust. While it might seem like a fairly harmless nuisance, exposure to dust can pose serious health risks. Long-term exposure to various dust particles can lead to respiratory problems, allergies, and even chronic illnesses like silicosis. 

Beyond the direct health risks, dust can also create a negative and discouraging work environment. A dusty workplace can be unpleasant, uncomfortable, and contribute to reduced productivity and morale. Employees who feel their health and well-being are being neglected are more likely to become disengaged and seek employment elsewhere. 

Prioritizing Health: The Dust Collector Advantage A welder working in a quality work environment, which greatly improves employee retention.

Facilities that prioritize employee health by implementing efficient dust collection systems reap several benefits that can contribute to better employee retention. Here’s how:

  • Improved Air Quality: Dust collectors effectively capture and filter airborne particles, leading to cleaner and healthier air for employees. This not only reduces the risk of respiratory problems but also creates a more pleasant and comfortable work environment. 
  • Reduced Health Concerns: By minimizing dust exposure, companies demonstrate a commitment to employee health and safety. This proactive approach to success can boost employee morale and trust, fostering a sense of security and appreciation. 
  • Enhanced Productivity: Studies have shown that a clean and healthy work environment can lead to increased focus and productivity. Employees breathing cleaner air are likely to experience fewer respiratory issues and less fatigue, resulting in better performance. 
  • Positive Employer Branding: Companies that prioritize a clean and safe work environment often attract and retain top talent. By actively promoting their commitment to a healthy work environment, they gain a competitive advantage in the job market. 

Beyond the Dust: Expanding the Benefits of a Clean Workplace 

While dust collectors are a significant step towards a healthier work environment, they are not the only factor contributing to employee retention. Companies can further amplify the positive impact by: 

  • Regularly maintaining and optimizing dust collection systems to ensure optimal performance. 
  • Providing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) when necessary. 
  • Communicating openly with employees about dust control measures and their health benefits. 
  • Creating a culture of safety and well-being through regular training and health initiatives. 

Investing in Your People: A Long-Term Gain in Employee Retention

In today’s competitive job market, creating a work environment that prioritizes employee health and well-being is no longer optional. Implementing a dust collection system is a smart investment that not only protects employee health but also contributes to a more engaged and productive workforce, ultimately leading to better employee retention and a stronger bottom line. By taking proactive steps to ensure a clean and healthy work environment, companies can demonstrate their commitment to their employees and create a workplace where individuals feel valued and empowered to thrive. 

Remember: Employee retention is a complex issue with no one-size-fits-all solution. While dust collectors offer a valuable tool, they should be considered alongside other efforts to foster a positive and healthy work environment. 

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The Unseen Dangers of Dust in Eyeglass Lens Manufacturing

The Unseen Dangers of Dust in Eyeglass Lens Manufacturing

In the world of precision craftsmanship, the art of milling plastic in eyeglass lens manufacturing has become a crucial process in providing individuals with clear vision. However, behind the innocuous task lies an invisible danger. It is the generation of fine dust particles that can pose serious risks to both workers and the overall production environment.  

Milling plastic eyeglass lenses involves the precision cutting and shaping of materials to meet the unique prescriptions of individuals. This process produces a fine dust particulate. These particles are often invisible to the naked eye. They can contain harmful substances and pose health hazards to workers if proper precautions are not taken. 

Health Risks for Workers 

Workers involved in the milling process are at a heightened risk of inhaling the fine dust particles released during the operation. The composition of plastic eyeglass lenses can vary, but many formulations include polymers and additives. When milled, these particles become airborne and can become respiratory irritants. Prolonged exposure to these airborne particles may lead to respiratory issues, including coughing, wheezing, and in extreme cases, more severe respiratory conditions. 

Moreover, certain plastic materials used in eyeglass lenses may contain hazardous substances such as bisphenol A (BPA) or phthalates. Inhaling dust containing these chemicals can have long-term health implications, including hormonal disruptions and potential carcinogenic effects. Protecting the respiratory health of workers is not only a moral imperative but also a legal obligation for employers. 

Close-up of view through plastic lenses produced in precision eyeglass lens manufacturingManufacturing Impact

Beyond the immediate health risks to workers, the release of these dusts into the environment can have broader consequences. Fine particles can settle on machinery and surfaces, and even contaminate adjacent work areas. This not only compromises the quality of the eyeglass lenses being produced but also poses challenges to maintaining a clean and efficient manufacturing environment. 

The Role of Dust Collection in Eyeglass Lens Manufacturing 

To mitigate the dangers associated with dust generated from plastic eyeglass lens manufacturing, implementing robust dust collection systems is paramount. Dust collection involves capturing and removing airborne particles at the source and preventing their dispersion into the air. This not only safeguards the health of workers but also contributes to maintaining a clean and organized workspace. 

Apart from the health and environmental benefits, dust collection systems enhance the overall efficiency and precision of the milling process. Uncontrolled dust can interfere with machinery, leading to increased downtime and maintenance costs. By investing in effective dust collection, manufacturers can optimize production workflows, reduce downtime, and ensure consistent product quality. 

Regulatory standards and workplace safety requirements further underscore the importance of dust collection in the milling of plastic eyeglass lenses. OSHA mandates the implementation of measures to control and mitigate occupational exposure to hazardous substances. Failure to comply with such regulations not only jeopardizes the well-being of workers. But it also exposes manufacturers to legal and financial repercussions. 

In the pursuit of precision and clarity, it is imperative to acknowledge and address the hidden dangers associated with the dust generated in plastic eyeglass lens manufacturing. The health risks for workers, potential environmental impact, and the broader implications for manufacturing efficiency highlight the critical need for dust collection systems in this industry. By prioritizing the implementation of these systems, manufacturers can ensure a safer, healthier, and more efficient workplace, delivering high-quality eyeglass lenses while safeguarding the well-being of their workforce. 

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Clearing the Air on Welder’s Anthrax: Why Dust Collection is Essential

Clearing the Air on Welder’s Anthrax: Why Dust Collection is Essential

Welder’s anthrax, also known as metal fume fever, is a common occupational disease affecting welders and other metal workers. This condition is caused by inhaling fumes produced when welding certain metals, such as zinc, aluminum, and magnesium. The fumes produced by welding contain metal oxides that, when inhaled, can cause a variety of symptoms that can range from mild to severe. 

Development and Symptoms of Welder’s Anthrax 

Welder’s anthrax is a type of pneumonia and is caused by a bacteria that produces anthrax toxin. It is generally a short-term condition that usually develops within several hours after exposure to welding fumes. The most common symptoms of welder’s anthrax include flu-like symptoms, such as fever, headache, chills, nausea, and fatigue. In extreme cases, the symptoms can be more severe, such as chest pain, shortness of breath, and coughing.

A medical doctor like this should be consulted immediately if you suspect you have welder's anthrax

When to Seek Medical Treatment 

Though the symptoms of welder’s anthrax are similar to those of a common cold or flu, they typically appear more suddenly and can last for several days. In most cases, the symptoms will resolve on their own within a few days. However, in some cases, the symptoms can persist and may require medical attention.  

Your doctor may perform a physical examination and take a blood sample to check for metal fumes in your bloodstream. In severe cases, you may be hospitalized and treated with medications to relieve your symptoms and prevent further exposure to welding fumes. If you suspect that you have welder’s anthrax, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible.  

The Importance of Proper Ventilation 

To prevent welder’s respiratory health hazards, it is important to have a comprehensive understanding of the sources of fumes and dust generated during the welding process. This can include the type of welding being done, the type of base and filler materials used, and the work environment. Based on this knowledge, appropriate dust collection systems can be designed to effectively collect the hazardous particulate. 

Welder’s anthrax is not a long-term condition, but it can cause discomfort and can impact your ability to work. If you employ welders, it is important to take steps to prevent welder’s anthrax. Speaking to professionals to help determine the best solution for your facility is a good first step. 

Partner with Imperial Systems to Help Prevent Welder’s Anthrax

Imperial Systems can partner with you to design a system tailored to your system and facility. We assess your work environment and design a system that integrates with your workflow while ensuring that employees are staying healthy. 

Welder’s anthrax is a common condition that affects welders and other metal workers. Inhaling welding fumes can cause a range of symptoms, from flu-like chills to more severe issues in serious cases. The best way to prevent welder’s anthrax is to ensure any areas where welding takes place are properly vented with a fume extractor. 

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