We have Beau back for the Three-Peat! This is the third time Beau Wigington has graced our podcast at Fabtech. He sits down with Donovan and talks about what he has seen at the Orlando show for new tech and people. He also discusses new content and happenings at @Welddotcom . They also talk about how dust collection works in other parts of the world.
Narrator: Welcome to the Dusty Jobs podcast from Imperial Systems. Industry knowledge to make your job easier and safer.
Donovan: Hello, welcome to another episode of the Dusty Jobs podcast. Still at Fabtech, still meeting people. We got Beau from Weld.com on again.
Beau: Three Pete baby.
Donovan: Yeah, third year in a row.
Beau: Yep.
Donovan: Yeah, I love catching up with you because a lot of times I’m here at the booth and I’m meeting people, talking to people about fume collection, but you –
Beau: I’m a nomad.
Donovan: You get to go out and see the whole show.
Beau: Oh yeah.
Donovan: So you’re going to be the man on the beat for us this year.
Beau: Alright.
Donovan: And tell us what is Beau seeing at the show so far that you’ve learned about, maybe it’s interesting to you. We’re all about learning about new things.
Beau: So the first thing I learned about this year was we visited a company called, they have a machine called the Beam Champ. And it has the ability to lift like girders you find, like you put in the ceilings and everything. Like these giant beams, it can roll it like nothing and place them. And so we went and saw that in action, which was pretty cool.
Donovan: That’s awesome.
Beau: Like I didn’t know what that was all about. I didn’t know it was something that happened, but they build like all the like Amazon facilities and everything, like using these crazy, crazy contraptions they have. We’re going to hopefully go check out that in action next year. And then saw, I learned about markers. I just did a podcast with Markal.
Donovan: Like a marker, like the thing you…
Beau: Yeah. No, there’s a lot of science that goes into markers because like in welding you’re going to deal with not just a clean surface every time. Sometimes you’re going to have an oily surface. They have a marker for that. Like you can write right through the oil and it just runs away from it. It’s really wild. They have glow in the dark markers. They have ones that can go over course surfaces and not like break up. It was… I really learned a lot on that podcast.
Donovan: Yeah. Well, and that’s the crazy and great thing about Fabtech that, you know, people who are in the industry, you can come here and learn about new things, different things, an oil marker. You could be having a problem. You didn’t know the answer was two.
Beau: And it’s here.
Donovan: You could find it here.
Beau I did a podcast with Gentex. They make all of the helmets for… Or most of the helmets for the military. But they also have a PAPR system, but it’s all one. Like it’s just one piece. There’s no like backpack or anything like that.
Donovan: Oh, it’s all in the helmet.
Beau: Mm-hmm.
Donovan: Oh, that’s great.
Beau: I know that might not be something I’m talking about because we’re fume extracting over here.
Donovan: Well, you and I were talking a little bit earlier about this too, how it’s like, you know, we want… We’re all about the health and safety of workers going home better to their families. And sometimes you can’t capture everything with a fume collector. You got to have… And sometimes people get into welding some stuff that’s nasty stuff.
Beau: Yeah.
Donovan: And, you know, you need that personal protection at that time. But what happens when you take that helmet off, right?
Beau: You’re right back in the blue fog.
Donovan: Yeah, you don’t want that all floating around you. So there’s situations that… What are you going to do? You want to pump it outside? You want the neighbors to breathe that, the kid playing the ball down the street? You don’t want that. So that’s where we come in with those companies to help make sure that the worker’s safe and the environment’s safe and it’s not drifting into the office space or whatever. So we want to not just make sure you’re safe while you’re welding, but when you’re done or that piece of equipment that’s running beside you, even though you take it off, that could be producing stuff. And we just want to keep everybody safe. So that’s not… There’s all types of safety out there that we’re just one part of it.
Beau: Yeah. Well, it never really clicked to me, like before you said it, that you don’t want to pump it outside because a lot of people will have a box fan in their window just pumping it out. But I never even thought about this isn’t pumping outside.
Donovan: No.
Beau: I thought I was like pumping it out.
Donovan: No.
Beau: It’s collecting it?
Donovan: It’s collecting it. So ours is a fume collector. It’s taking all the things that we shouldn’t be breathing in, you shouldn’t be breathing in, it’s not good for anybody. We’re collecting it into that filter and then we’re taking that air and we’re pumping it back in so that you have a clean air in your shop or clean air outside for everybody else who’s living around the facility.
Beau: Hey. Win-win.
Donovan: It is. I mean, I don’t think, you know, back in the day we used to have smog filled cities and things like that. I don’t think anybody wants to go back to that. I think we all want to have cleaner air. And I know it’s not something that’s glamorous or makes the company a lot of money, but in the end it’s probably better for everybody who’s involved around it.
Beau: Yeah. Well, that’s been a hot topic with all the podcasts I’ve been doing this year. Everyone wants to talk about safety. That one was about respiratory safety and all the things that… I mean, I meet a lot of welders. I go and visit a lot of welders and overseas, like, PAPRs are mandated. It’s like you have to have a PAPR on. Over here, they’re not. And we do a bunch of videos where we don’t have a PAPR on and we get a lot of people saying, “Hey, hey, you guys aren’t cowboys. You’ve got to protect yourself.”
Donovan: Right.
Beau: Because it’s just so different out here. I don’t think people in America are quite as educated to the negative effects of welding that comes from the fumes. Or if they are, they just don’t care, man. It’s weird.
Donovan: Yeah. I know I wouldn’t want my children to breathe in a lot of that. So to anything you can do to try to help clean that air up. In not every situation you can have that or whatever, but at least you could start cleaning the air in your shop to make it better. And that’s what we’re trying to do is help the health and safety of the factors. I like to always say, in Imperial Systems, you come to our place, you’re going to look across the way and you’re going to see a cornfield.
Beau: Or you’re going to see a big old model of your entire thing.
Donovan: That’s true. But it’s literally just a bunch of middle class guys that are welding equipment together for other middle class guys that we’re all just trying to go home better to our families at the end of the day. So tell me more about Weld.com. Now we were talking, you said there’s been some stuff you guys started shifting last year.
Beau: Mid-shift. We shifted. So traditionally Weld.com was like, we would teach you how to passing certification tests or getting started in MIG and TIG and all the different processes. We still make those videos, but we added another element where we’ve been, I think we’ve been on nine or ten trips this year traveling to different cities.
Donovan: You’ve been busy, man.
Beau: Yeah. It’s been real busy. But we’ve just been traveling, doing many tours. Welding tours, I like to say. But we, so we’ll go to a town for a day, make a couple videos with one shop, and then we’ll go and visit another one. Because we’re trying to show people where you actually take these skills after school or after learning. Because a lot of people, I know I probably have said it every year, I’ve been on the podcast, but a lot of people in the industry, they think you could be in manufacturing, you could be in structural welding, or you could be in pipe welding. And that’s the narrow scope that people have when they get into the industry. Right. And so my goal with Weld.com has always been show people everything else you can do so that more people might be interested. You know, not every kid out there is like, you know what, I want to go and weld pipe. You know, that’s not every kid.
Donovan: Yeah.
Beau: Some people are like, I want to go and weld spaceships. I want to go and weld boats. I want to go and weld like phone case, like phone components with a laser welder or stir friction welding. You know, there’s all kinds of different things that it’s not the dirty, gross job that everybody used to think it is.
Donovan: Right.
Beau: There’s a lot of different pathways. And then on the other side, you know, outside of welding, there’s endless supplies of jobs at companies like this where if you’re a welder, you have a particular skill that maybe you don’t know about. You know, it’s like how do you like what process is going to produce the most smoke, you know, like welders will know that.
Donovan: Yeah. And I have been seeing, I don’t know if you guys have been seeing this, but a little bit too that the robotic welding is a thing. It’s here.
Beau: Big thing. Big, big thing.
Donovan: Its in our shop with our robotic welder, we have one of our best welders on that piece of equipment because that’s the guy who knows how to check it and make sure it runs well. Like we didn’t want just somebody who knows how to push a button. We want an experienced good welder on that piece of equipment because it’s very important to us to make sure that whoever’s running it can know what a quality weld is and what it looks like and how it should be done.
Beau: The way I like to tell people, like, because I talk to people about automation all the time and people are afraid of it, you know, and it’s like you still need someone. It’s like teaching a student every time. It’s like teaching someone exactly how to weld what you want. That’s what you have to do with a robot. Like it’s not just like, oh, let me go to program this unless you already programmed it and taught it to do that. Like you have to show it and you have to program that out. But to do that, you need to know how to make that weld. Okay. We’ve programmed it. It’s running that welder that’s experienced. They can hear when there’s maybe, oh, they’re getting porosity because they don’t have gas going.
Donovan: Right.
Beau: They can hear, oh, it sounds like the stick out’s too far and that’s raising my amperage and it’s going to give me a different type of weld. Maybe give me undercut. Like all these, all these things that a welder is used to hearing and knowing exactly what that is or seeing it. They can see that the robot doesn’t care. Like the robot is just going to complete what you tell it to do. So that’s why there’s that big, big stop button. Because if you know something’s going wrong, you fix it before you keep going.
Donovan: Yeah. And that’s where I think you’re a hundred percent right where people are, they’re probably just a little bit scared of it because we haven’t had as much experience with it. And I know in our shop, there’s still, there’s certain things that our robot can do and it’s, it’s the things that bore people to death when they have to weld all day long. And, but then all the things that take like skill and knowledge and understanding and actually the more custom work that’s more enjoyable is the stuff that we still have to have people do at our shop. So, so yeah, I think robots have their spot, but I don’t see people going away anytime soon either.
Beau: No. Well, that was one of the videos we recently did. We went out to a robotic pipe welding company. So they use these bug welders that are welding like 36 inch pipe, like pipeline pipe. And it takes two welders to run the two bugs. And we had a bunch of comments of people saying, you’re taking welders jobs. And we’re like, those are two certified welders that have to run that.
Donovan: Sit there and monitor it.
Beau: It’s, it’s not taking anyone’s job. So you still have a job. It’s just, you’re not the one, it’s not your hand doing the welding. It’s your knowledge of how to direct it. It’s that’s one of the things that really grinds my gears about people and automation.
Donovan: And I, I’ve seen those in process too, where sometimes on large circumference like that, there’s a guy who has to like lay on the floor the whole time to weld that. And so that’s really hard on a guy who’s got to lay on the floor for an hour and keep scooting around –
Beau: And keep getting all kinds of, like you’re getting burnt up.
Donovan: Right. Where they can for that weld, they can have that piece of equipment do it. And they’re sitting there monitoring it. Like you’re saying, making sure it’s right, making sure it’s not going to messed up. And in the end, that guy’s going to be able to work longer, have a healthier life because his face isn’t in it the whole time.
Beau: So when you got to think confined spaces too, right? That’s something that people, it’s a scary job to like, there’s a girl here at the show, her name’s Liv Taylor Dodge. She’s a very talented welder, but she does… She was a ship builder and cause she was small. Her job was always crawling into the like in between the walls of the ship. And she said it would be like 45 minutes of lugging stuff through there. You know, and instead of having someone crawl into these tight spaces where they’re not going to have proper ventilation and like who knows what kind of air quality’s down there. You can send a welder on a track, you know, it’s like you just send a robot down there and do the well. That’s pretty wild.
Donovan: Well, and that’s when you walk around Fabtech, that’s all the stuff you get to see the people you get to meet and hear their life stories and what’s going on and where some of this innovation is coming from. And it’s coming from good places. I don’t. So yeah, and that’s exciting. And I’m sure you guys, if you want to learn more about that, you can go to Weld.com.
Beau: Weld.com
Donovan: Learn how to weld, see what you might have a future in what kind of industries and what else what else is on there. Come on, give us some more information.
Beau: Oh man. So we got our YouTube channel. That’s that’s kind of our main thing. We passed a million subscribers this year, which was –
Donovan: Congratulations.
Beau: Pretty big thing for us. So we’re really excited. And I mean, it’s been been around since 2012. So there’s a lot of people that have helped us get there. It was cool. Last night there was a party at the Hard Rock and we got a picture with probably 15, maybe 20 people who have made videos with us throughout the years, like holding the button because it’s like it’s Weld.com is a resource for the industry. Like it’s for the welding community. It’s not really about people. You know, it’s just us all trying to help each other learn. And that was really cool. But you can go on our YouTube channel and find all kinds of fun stuff like tutorials, shop visits, all that good stuff. We have a podcast as well called the Weld.com podcast. And I talk to people. I go even deeper, like deeper than we can go in a video. I try to cover different topics of different pathways in the industry you can go. And then we have our well dap as well, where you can network with different welders. There’s a job board. There’s a marketplace. There’s a weld calculator.
Donovan: So Weld.com is not just for someone who’s learning or new. It is for all welders.
Beau: Yeah. All the way from beginner to advanced. Like we have something for you. And if we don’t tell us, we’ll make it.
Donovan: That’s awesome.
Beau: We’ll find the people like even if it’s more advanced than me or Austin could do, we’ll go find the person that can. And so because we want this knowledge to be passed down.
Donovan: Yeah. Yeah. And that’s what we need. We just need more people who are, you know, good, hardworking people in America who can go out and keep making American made products and keep us going.
Beau: And keep the infrastructure alive. That’s the main focus in the welding industry. We need a lot of people to help our infrastructure survive and be updated. You know, so.
Donovan: Yeah. Some of these bridges are to get a little…
Beau: Yeah. Bridges, power grid stuff. Pipeline, sewer systems. There’s a lot of work to be done. So got to find the people.
Donovan: Well, hey, man, I always appreciate you sitting down with us and taking some time to tell us what you guys got going on. And we got to get you up to Imperial someday.
Beau: I know. We can come and visit and do like we can do a video showing off the factory. We could show stuff in action.
Donovan: There you go. People can learn how to weld a dust collector together. Hey, that would be a fun video.
Donovan: There you go. So, well, hey, thanks again. So if you guys are listening for the first time or you just find out about Weld.com, go over there, check it out, like, subscribe, do all that on their social media, do it on our social media. But until the next time we get to talk, stay healthy and stay safe.
Narrator: Thanks for listening to the dusty jobs podcast. Breathe better work safer.
Handling combustible dust safely is a critical responsibility for facilities in industries ranging from manufacturing to food processing. Combustible dust, when mishandled, poses serious risks of fire, deflagration, and explosion. Adopting proper safety measures, guided by established standards such as those outlined by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), can help mitigate these risks and protect your workplace. Here’s a breakdown of key steps for handling combustible dust.
1. Understand NFPA Guidelines
The first step to safely handling combustible dust is understanding the specific NFPA standards that apply to your operations. NFPA guidelines provide detailed recommendations for identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks associated with combustible dust. These standards often vary depending on the type of dust you handle, the processes involved, and the equipment you use. Adhering to these guidelines ensures compliance and lays the foundation for effective dust management.
2. Know the Explosivity of Your Dust
Every type of combustible dust has unique properties, including its explosivity, often measured by the KST value. The KST value indicates the rate of pressure rise during a dust explosion and helps determine the necessary level of explosion protection. Conducting a dust explosivity test provides critical information about the hazards specific to your materials, enabling you to implement tailored safety measures.
3. Install Proper Dust Collection Systems
A robust dust collection system is essential for capturing and containing dust at its source. However, not all dust collectors are created equal. Systems handling combustible dust should include fire and explosion protection equipment, such as explosion vents, suppression systems, or isolation devices. These features prevent the escalation of dangerous events and ensure compliance with safety standards.
4. Maintain Proper Housekeeping
Dust buildup on surfaces is a major contributor to secondary explosions, which are often more destructive than the initial event. Implement a regular housekeeping routine to keep dust accumulation to a minimum, especially on horizontal surfaces like beams, ledges, and ducts. Use methods that minimize dust dispersal, such as an efficiently designed dust collection system, rather than sweeping or compressed air, which will not capture or contain the dust.
5. Minimize Ignition Sources
Ignition sources, such as sparks, hot surfaces, static discharge, or open flames, are a primary trigger for combustible dust incidents. Therefore, identify potential ignition sources in your facility and take measures to eliminate or control them. For example, use equipment rated for hazardous locations, ensure proper equipment grounding and bonding, and implement spark detection and suppression systems. Furthermore, a Dust Hazard Analysis or DHA can identify many of these hazards.
6. Train Employees on Handling Combustible Dust Hazards
Employee training is certainly vital for creating a culture of safety. Workers should understand the hazards of combustible dust, recognize warning signs of unsafe conditions, and know how to respond in an emergency. Regular training sessions and safety drills ensure that everyone is prepared to handle combustible dust safely.
Handling combustible dust safely also requires a proactive approach, combining adherence to NFPA guidelines, understanding your material’s properties, installing appropriate safety equipment, and maintaining diligent housekeeping and training practices. By implementing these measures, you can minimize the risks associated with combustible dust and create a safer workplace for everyone involved.
This is the Dusty Jobs Podcast episode from Fabtech Orlando 2024. In this episode we talk with Tomm Frungillo. Tomm talks about the booth and all that Imperial Systems has in their booth this year. He also talks about a new product the Shadow Ambient collector that can go into any shop to help clean the air. Donovan also gets excited about our model train and model building that we have in our booth.
Narrator: Welcome to the Dusty Jobs podcast from Imperial Systems. Industry knowledge to make your job easier and safer.
Donovan: Hello, welcome to another episode of the Dusty Jobs podcast. We are at Fabtech 2024.
Tomm Frungillo: We are.
Donovan: And so far it’s been a good show. We were a little worried coming down here. Tomm Frungillo is with me today our national sales manager. How’s the show going for you, Tomm?
Tomm: It’s good, Donovan, real good. Probably better than we expected. We didn’t know what to expect, like you said with the storm. Everybody knows about the hurricane, but Orlando was hit a little bit, not so bad. But the question is, when would they open up to let us in, to set up? There was some delay there, not a big delay. Everything’s gone smooth and the people that are here seem to be really interested in being here.
Donovan: And I’ll tell you what, even with a little bit of time delay on what the booth turned out great this year. It’s amazing. We have so many cool features this year. It’s totally different than anything we’ve done in the past.
Tomm: Yeah, it really is.
Donovan: We’ve got this really great big mezzanine where we can show people our dust collectors, show them the CMAXX, do a demonstration up there. And underneath it, I mean, I’m gonna let you talk about this, Tomm. This is just the coolest thing. So many people are checking it out.
Tomm: Yeah, well, to start with this booth design and configuration and the equipment we have in it is fantastic. It’s the best one we’ve ever done.
Donovan: Oh yeah.
Tomm: This is my, I guess, sixth or seventh with Imperial Systems and this is by far the best one. And I think it’s because of the configuration, we’ve got some new equipment in here. We’ve taken our traditional Shadow unit and made it into an ambient offering where we can collect ambient weld fume. And all plug and play in a beautiful little system and that’s been getting a ton of attention. And then a lot of our traditional equipment where they’re showing off our CMAXX and our standard Shadow and our Air-Port and Spark Traps and everything the metalworking world needs.
Donovan: But we’ve got a train set.
Tomm: We do and I’m getting to that.
Donovan: My gosh, okay.
Tomm: You can’t go for the kill up front. You gotta build up to it.
Donovan: I didn’t mean to steal your thunder, Tomm.
Tomm: So in addition to all of that cool stuff, we have a train set. We have a guy that does installation work for us, as you know.
Donovan: Yep.
Tomm: Great guy and as a hobby he does models and he does trains and he does models with trains and does amazing work.
Donovan: It’s great.
Tomm: So several of us, our great marketing team and us we got together several months ago and said, maybe that would be a cool thing to put at Fabtech. What would that look like? So as it turns out, as you said, we’ve got a mezzanine with a CMAXX dust collector, a mezzanine to work to access it all above.
Donovan: Yep.
Tomm: But below that, we have this train set and model. And the model happens to be of our shop, as you know, in Mercer, Pennsylvania.
Donovan: Yeah, it’s great, yeah.
Tomm: So it really turned out, we were all watching it being built and it’s like, man, this is kind of cool, but what’s it going to look like and how are the details going to be and what are we really going to end up with? And quite honestly, even the last time I saw it, which was about a month and a half ago maybe, it was really looking good. But it was like this thing needs to have a little bit more. And by the time I got here a couple days ago and we had it all set up, it just really exceeded my expectations of what it was going to be.
Donovan: I’ve watched five people take a picture of it since we’ve been sitting here talking so far.
Tomm: Yeah, yeah.
Donovan: And the cool part about our shop for me is that it kind of gives you an X-ray of our shop, you’re looking through it like you’re Superman. And it’s so great because our shop has so many different types of fume collection in it for ourselves.
Tomm: Right.
Donovan: We’ve got the ambient system. We’ve got a robot cell. We’ve got it on our laser table. We’ve got it on the plasma table. And Brian and the marketing team were able to take all that, miniaturize it. So that we’re able to show people here at the show an actual facility of what dust collection looks like in our facility. Not just the actual equipment here, but they can see how it might look in their own shop. And I think that’s just great.
Tomm: It is. And I’ve, people that we, we love people coming to our shop, right? And then it sells itself to some extent. And so, but a lot of people that are at the show, I’ve said, you know, for a couple years now, we need to get you up there. We need to get, well, I’ll tell you what, why don’t you just come to the booth. And I’ll show you what our shop looks like in miniature scale. And it’s been a big hit, you know, in addition to all the ones you mentioned, we have the powder coat booth.
Donovan: That’s right.
Tomm: That’s there with dust collection on it. So we really kind of cover so many things that are here for people at the show. It’s showing them our shop at the same time. Plus it’s fun, I mean it’s a train. And we have a restaurant and a bar at the end of the train track.
Donovan: There’s a little town.
Tomm: It’s a little town and it’s just so cool. And I’m guessing the marketing team, Scott and Erin, are probably going to put maybe some pictures together when this comes out. So we flash to it so people can see what we’re talking about.
Donovan: And there’s a, I know Justin did a video already of the whole booth. So if you’re watching this on YouTube, you could probably find that video or on Facebook too.
Tomm: Yes.
Donovan: So, but, all right, so that’s the booth. But I want to go back. I want to talk again about the new shadow ambient collector.
Tomm: Yes.
Donovan: Okay. So, tell me how is this different than just a regular Shadow? What am I getting different? Is it just have a pipe on it? What’s the big difference between it and our standard Shadow?
Tomm: Well, the beauty of it is there’s so many great things about the standard Shadow, right? Our vertical cartridge nature, our Safety Pentagon, all these things that I won’t go into all that now. But it takes that beautiful Shadow box and just to go back even further, you know, why is it called a Shadow, right? So it’s called a Shadow because in this industry, people wanted something that sat in the Shadows. You turned it on, it worked, you turned it off, it didn’t like your lights. They wanted a light switch, dust collector. And so we said, why don’t we call it the Shadow? It sits in the shadows. It is black, you know, which most people like in this industry. And so the Shadow itself works so well as a fume collector. But as you know, a lot of people love the plug and play nature, but they just want ambient filtration. In other words, not source capture, not the ambient racetrack push-pull system.
Donovan: Right.
Tomm: But a collector that just sits there and works on its own, pulling in ambient air and blowing out clean air. So we said, let’s take that Shadow, we’ve already got it perfected. All we have to do is take an intake, raise it up to where most of that weld smoke sits, somewhere between 12 and 15 feet, right? Most of the weld smoke sits right there. We’ll pull it from there. We know we can cover a 7 to 8,000 square foot area with one of these, based on how we have this size. We pull it in, goes through, it gets cleaned, it gets filtered. It gets pulse cleaned when it gets up to a certain differential, it cleans itself. And then we just spit out clean air right there in the facility. It’s all plug and play, bring it in with a forklift, set it, run your power, run your compressed air, and it’s ready to go. Simple.
Donovan: So it’s the Shadow, it’s got a collection unit high, where we have that hover zone for weld fume.
Tomm: Correct.
Donovan: Pulls it in, cleans it, pumps the air back out low?
Tomm: It does. It does. Takes it in high, pumps it out low, even real nice distribution, diffuser plate to distribute it evenly throughout the floor.
Donovan: Now is that a piece that’s hanging off the side of it, or is it just like-
Tomm: It’s flush. >>
Donovan: It’s tight up against it?
Tomm: It is, it’s basically flush mounted. So we built onto the Shadow just a little bit of a plenum. And then did a nice diffuser to kind of, the air’s running slow, it comes out, it’s quiet, just a nice diffused air, clean air coming back in your shop.
Donovan: The actual footprint of it then, it didn’t really get that much bigger, is what you’re telling me.
Tomm: It did not, inches bigger, inches bigger is all. So it really, and as you know, we’ve had tremendous interest in this. Because there’s others, types that are similar on the market, but nothing that has taken all the great things about the Shadow and then the nice innovation that we added to it to make it something that’s really kind of better than anything that’s on the market.
Donovan: Yeah.
Tomm: And reasonably priced.
Donovan: And you know what, here’s the thing I like about it, is our industry, there’s a lot of people who are growing. Shops are growing, they’re getting more people. So we’ll meet people each year at the show. And last year they had three welders working for them, they have six welders working for them this year. And as those company grow, they can take this unit, if they got to move into a bigger facility, they just buy another one.
Tomm: That’s right.
Donovan: And put it there, so it can grow with you. It’s not like, now we move somewhere else. We got to leave this piece of equipment behind, it was an investment we made. Now we have to re-figure out our whole system.
Tomm: That’s right.
Donovan: You just, as you grow, you just get another one.And then you can just get another one, or maybe you get a robot, and you can get another Shadow dedicated to that. So that’s what I love about it.
Tomm: Well it is, and then for companies that are on tight budgets, right? They may have some areas of their shop are a little more heavy in air pollution from welding and grinding and other things than other areas of their shop. They may want to ventilate and filter all their air in their shop. But they may not have the budget to do that. So let’s set one here this year, or two here this year. We can do two more next year, we can do two more after that. And invest a relatively small amount of money now as opposed to a large amount of money that a bigger system requires.
Donovan: You know what’s also great about it, Tomm? With the fork pockets and the lugs on top, you aren’t set to this one spot. They can move it in their shop.
Tomm: Yes.
Donovan: To say, okay, well, it’s actually working a little better over here. It’s working a little better over there.
Tomm: Sure you can.
Donovan: And you can kinda dial it in to where your most trouble areas are.
Tomm: Yeah, I mean, and no duct work, so you can put it and change it. Obviously, you have to change a little bit of your wiring and your compressed air run, no matter where you put it. But most plants, that’s pretty minor. Pretty minor change.
Donovan: You get that new piece of equipment, you gotta change your flow. It’s not a huge rip out. It’s not, you just pick it up, you move it, you got to the new spot where you gotta move your guys.
Tomm: Simple, inexpensive with all sorts of options.
Donovan: And all that’s doing in the end is that’s helping people go home healthier, safer to their families at the end of the day. And that’s all we’re trying to do here at Imperial is keep that up.
Tomm: Anybody that has been around weld at smoke for any length of time knows that it’s not a good thing and it affects every part of your body. And over time, it’s very unhealthy, so these things do that along with it. That’s why we’re in business, right? To improve the health, safety, and quality of people’s lives.
Donovan: Right.
Tomm: By making the best equipment on Earth. That’s what we do. It’s our mission statement. This is just adding to that.
Donovan: Yeah, I love that it’s just that other simple next step that we can do. To help a small business owner. To help someone who’s just trying to get started. That they don’t have to have their employees be sick or deal with all that. They can really just start out small and then when they grow, we can grow with them.
Tomm: Yeah, and we have that here at the show. There’s the big companies, there’s the Caterpillars and the Komatsu and all the huge companies. And then there’s the small guys, right? And this along with all our equipment can work for both of those types of companies. We can take care of the large big companies that have dozens of welding cells and grinding booths and whatever they’re doing. And we can handle mom and pop too. In a good way. Yep. So that’s what we do.
Donovan: So that’s super exciting. That’s our new stuff we got going on this year. We still have all the old stuff going on. If you have a chance to come up, I think the train’s going back to the shop. Is that where it’s going to be?
Tomm: That’ll end up in our showroom and it’s going to be very versatile to where when we have a customer coming in, we can do some things specific to that customer. Another little store, another little private labeled collector, another little whatever we can do.
Donovan: So it’s going to keep evolving?
Tomm: It’s going to evolve. And then our plan I’m sure is to bring it to next year’s Fabtech and it’ll be an evolved model. That’ll be bigger, better than ever.
Donovan: Yeah, maybe there’ll be an ambient Shadow in it next year.
Tomm: I’m sure there will be.
Donovan: There we go. There we go. Well, Tomm-
Tomm: By the way, we already sold the one that we have on the floor. We sold yesterday, so it didn’t take long for us to-
Donovan: Well, get them, they’re going fast.
Tomm: Yeah, I mean, that’s kind of, we can make a lot of them though, Don.
Donovan: Yeah, we got more?
Tomm: We can do more.
Donovan: We got more for sale. That’s good.
Tomm: We know how to do it.
Donovan: That’s good. We’ll be making more shortly.
Tomm: That’s it. That’s it.
Donovan: Well, Tomm, thanks for taking a minute away from the booth to come talk to us. And we just really appreciate it. So if you’re listening, like us on all our social medias, Facebook, LinkedIn, come check us out on YouTube. And until next time, stay healthy and stay safe, and thanks for listening.
Tomm: Thank you.
Narrator: Thanks for listening to the Dusty Jobs podcast. Breathe better, work safer.
The expected lifespan of dust collector filters is one of the most common questions in the air filtration industry. Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to how long these filters last because their longevity depends on several variables. These include the type of dust being filtered, air volume, and system maintenance practices. Understanding these factors can help you maximize the life of your filters and ensure optimal system performance.
The Impact of Dust Type
One of the primary factors affecting dust collector filter life is the type of dust your system handles. Dust with abrasive or aggressive properties can wear down filters more quickly. While lighter, less damaging particulates tend to allow for longer use. For example, filters handling fine sawdust in a woodworking shop may outlast those dealing with similar machines in a metal shop. Knowing the nature of your dust is key to selecting the right filter and anticipating its lifespan.
Air Volume and Its Effect on Filters
Air volume also plays a significant role in determining filter longevity. A higher air volume can lead to faster accumulation of dust on the filter surface. This not only increases the frequency of filter cleaning but can also result in quicker wear and tear. Ensuring that your dust collection system is sized correctly for your needs can mitigate this issue. It prevents the system from working harder than necessary.
Maintenance: The Unsung Hero of Filter Longevity
Regular preventative maintenance is critical for getting the most life out of your filters. Neglecting maintenance tasks like inspecting for water leaks in ductwork and ensuring proper system airflow can significantly reduce the lifespan of your filters. Over time, dust accumulation and system inefficiencies can lead to higher stress on the filters, accelerating their deterioration.
One of the best practices for maintaining filters is using a differential pressure gauge to monitor the pressure drop across the filters. It can be either electronic or analog. Most dust collectors will come with a pressure gauge as a standard part. This is the most reliable indicator of when a filter has reached the end of its lifecycle. When the pressure drop exceeds 5 inches of water column, it’s time to replace the filters. This is regardless of how long they’ve been in use. Relying on this metric as opposed to a time-based parameter ensures you do not prematurely discard or use filters beyond their effective lifespan.
So, How Long Do They Last?
Given the wide range of applications and operating conditions, dust collector filters can last anywhere from a couple of months to a couple years. Systems filtering abrasive dust in high volumes with minimal maintenance will see shorter filter life. On the other hand, filters in systems handling less aggressive dust, paired with diligent maintenance, can last significantly longer.
Maximizing Dust Collector Filter Life
To extend the life of your filters, invest in regular maintenance, monitor pressure drop consistently, and tailor your dust collection system to your specific application. We suggest using a VFD (variable frequency drive) to automatically adjust airflow over the life of the filters. This VFD starts the fan at a slower speed when the filters are new and increases power as the filters build a dust cake and pressure drop. The second benefit to the VFD is an overall decrease in power consumption. These steps not only optimize filter performance but also reduce operational costs over time. By paying attention to these factors, you can make informed decisions and ensure your dust collection system operates efficiently for as long as possible.
A dust collection professional can help ensure that you see optimal filter life. The team at Imperial Systems will design a system with proper air volume, suggest the best media for your application, and even provide regular dust collector maintenance.
In a welding shop, maintaining a safe and healthy work environment is a top priority. Welding generates harmful fumes and particulates, which can pose significant health risks to employees if not properly controlled. To mitigate these risks, some shops rely on respirators. These respirators may be a part of the welding helmet. They may also be a separate PPE device to wear under the helmet. Other companies may invest in comprehensive dust collection systems. While both options offer protection, a dust collection system is the superior choice for several key reasons.
Comprehensive Air Quality Control, Unlike Welding Respirators
Welding respirators provide individual protection by filtering harmful fumes and particulates directly at the source. However, they limit coverage to the welder wearing the device, exposing others in the shop. This is similar to fume arms which capture fumes at the source but are often cumbersome to move and only protect the person working directly beneath them.
A dust collection system means that even employees who aren’t wearing respirators, such as those performing other tasks nearby, are protected from exposure to hazardous air contaminants. The overall air quality in the shop improves, leading to a safer work environment for everyone.
Consistent Protection Across the Workspace
Welding respirators are designed to protect the wearer by filtering the air they breathe. However, the effectiveness of these devices can vary depending on how well they fit, filter change frequency, and whether the wearer is using a mask consistently.
However, a dust collection system operates continuously, ensuring consistent protection across the workspace. It doesn’t rely on individual usage habits or require regular maintenance from each employee. Properly maintaining the system provides reliable, ongoing protection against airborne contaminants. This reduces the likelihood of employee exposure and potential health issues.
Enhanced Productivity and Comfort
Wearing a welding respirator can be cumbersome and uncomfortable, particularly during long work shifts. The added weight and bulk of the filtration unit can cause fatigue, reducing productivity and increasing the likelihood of mistakes. Employees may also be tempted to remove their masks for brief periods, exposing themselves to harmful fumes.
In contrast, a dust collection system improves comfort and productivity by keeping the air clean without requiring any additional gear. Employees can work more comfortably and efficiently, knowing that the air they breathe is safe, without the need for heavy, restrictive equipment. This leads to fewer interruptions, higher productivity, and a more pleasant work environment overall.
Long-Term Cost Savings Over Welding Respirators
While respirators may seem like a cost-effective solution in the short term, they can become expensive over time. Filters need to be replaced regularly, and the devices themselves may need frequent maintenance or replacement. Additionally, the potential costs associated with employee health issues due to inadequate air quality control can be significant.
A dust collection system, although it requires a larger initial investment, offers long-term cost savings. It reduces the need for individual protective equipment, lowers the risk of health-related expenses, and extends the lifespan of tools and equipment by minimizing exposure to corrosive fumes and dust. Over time, the system pays for itself through improved efficiency, reduced maintenance costs, and a healthier workforce.
While welding respirators provide a level of individual protection, they fall short when compared to the comprehensive benefits of a dust collection system. A dust collector not only improves air quality for the entire shop but also enhances productivity, comfort, and long-term cost savings. For any welding shop serious about safety and efficiency, investing in a dust collection system is the clear and superior choice. Reach out to an Imperial Systems representative to discuss the best welding filtration solution for your facility.