
Grain Dust Explosions: Some Numbers to Think About

In the agricultural industry, grain dust explosions are a hazard that must be addressed. According to a report from Purdue University, grain dust explosions have occurred at a constant rate over the last ten years, with little change in the number of explosions,...

Imperial Systems Quarterly Newsletter | Issue 5

  Imperial Systems Newsletter Issue 5 is the first issue of the year. Make sure to check out all of the articles and interview. If you would like a Printed Hard Copy of this issue of our newsletter please contact your Imperial Sales Rep.   Click Cover To...

Dust Jobs Newsletter Cover Issue 5

Imperial Systems in the Grain Dust Industry: GEAPS Show

A team from Imperial Systems recently spent three days in Denver at the annual GEAPS show (Grain Elevator & Processing Society). GEAPS is “the knowledge resource for the grain industry”. Imperial Systems had a booth at the show to talk about our BRF baghouses,...

Imperial Systems Has Switched to Powder Coating

The switch to powder coating is one of the most exciting changes about our move to our new building. The booth is big enough to accommodate our largest pieces of equipment. This equips us to powder coat everything that we produce. Why the switch to powder coating?...

Imperial Systems Quarterly Newsletter | Issue 4

Imperial Systems Newsletter Issue 4 is the last one of the year and the best issue to date. Make sure to check out all of the articles and interview. Click Cover To Download and Print Newsletter     CLICK THE ARTICLE TO READ        ...


Managing weld smoke risks means dealing with very small particle size, toxic metals, and the combustibility of metal dust. Weld smoke and fumes are different from other types of dust, and a system needs to be designed to deal with it. A CMAXXTM dust and fume...