
Welding Fumes: Your Toenails Hold Clues

Welding Fumes Meet "CSI": Why Scientists Are Collecting Welders' Toenails A group of researchers interested in exposure to metals in welding fumes come to your workplace to collect samples. You might think they’d be there to test the air quality or to take samples...

Dust collector filter cleaning is taken care of by the CMAXX

The Value of Dust Collection Management

Dust collection management is one of the main investments that those in the timber industry must face in the near future.  In fact, Timber Processing Magazine (, which conducts research on industry production, supply, and investments, notes...

CMAXX Dust Extraction Systems

Aftermarket Customer Service Matters

We hear it every day from customers.  Aftermarket customer service from other companies that sell replacement filters is not always a pleasant experience.   These customers come to us because they’re tired of automated phone menu systems, messages that never get...

Blog default image of CMAXX dust collector and Imperial Systems logo


Ever wonder how much facilities like yours might be paying when they don’t have proper dust control? When a facility doesn’t have proper dust control equipment installed, or when they fail to protect their workers from welding fumes or combustible dust, fines from...

Dust collector filter cleaning is taken care of by the CMAXX

Cheap Replacement Filters: The Real Cost

Cheap replacement filters can come at a cost.  A Pennsylvania company specializing in polishing and plating tools, molds, and dies found out how much difference the right filter can make. On a tight budget, they searched  for a filter that could handle not only...

CMAXX Dust Extraction Systems

Weld Fumes and Dust Exposure Risks

Weld fumes and metal dust exposure limits aren't usually something a manufacturer thinks about when in production.  Do you know what the limits are? While most people probably don’t have time to memorize the numbers, here’s a quick test: Which metal in the...

Blog default image of CMAXX dust collector and Imperial Systems logo