Air Filter Differential Pressure Monitoring

Air Filter Differential Pressure Monitoring

What is air filter differential pressure in a dust collector? It’s the difference in air pressure between the dirty and clean air sides of the filters. Most manufacturers recommend that you keep a regular log of the differential pressure measurements. But did you know it might also be a requirement in your air quality operating permit?

Each state issues its own air permits to any business that is going to create any kind of air contaminant. There are different types of permits, depending on the state, the type of pollutant, and the size of the facility. Sometimes businesses can operate without a permit as long as they comply with certain regulations.

Do air permits require monitoring?

The EPA’s Clean Air Act applies to operations that are major sources of air pollution or particularly dangerous kinds of air pollution. If your company is required to have a Title V Permit, you have very strict regulations to follow and are required to certify your compliance yearly. If you use baghouses, cartridge collectors, or similar types of particulate collection, take note. This often requires a record of differential pressure monitoring.

What if you have a state-issued permit, though? Does it say you have to keep a log of your differential pressure? And what happens if you don’t?

Your state’s air permits may require that companies using baghouses keep a differential pressure log. (The EPA and many state agencies refer to all fabric filter particulate collectors as “baghouses.”) Others may not require you to keep a log. But they might require that you take certain actions if the differential pressure indicates a problem.

If there’ no log of your system’s normal differential pressure changes, you may not know when there’s a change indicating a problem. Unusually high differential pressure might indicate that dust is blinding off your filters, and they need changing. If the differential pressure is much lower than expected, it could mean a couple of things. You could have a leak in your filters or somewhere else in the system.

Keep a log of what your differential pressure normally is. Because if you don’t, you won’t have a record to show a state or EPA inspector who comes to renew a permit or to look into a problem. Even if your permit doesn’t specify that you keep a log, it’s good documentation. It shows that you’ve been diligently monitoring your system function.

Recommended Air Filter Differential Pressure Monitoring

Dust collector manufacturers recommend keeping a differential pressure log, regardless of permits or regulations. Monitoring your differential pressure over time will allow you to see when your filters are getting close to needing changing. This lets you order and stock replacements on hand. It’s much more efficient than having to shut down a collector because the blinded filters are not working.

Monitoring can also alert you to other problems. For example, leaks in the system that let the air take a shortcut around or through holes in the filters. Any sudden or big changes from your normal differential pressure should be a warning that something might be wrong.

Here’s an example chart from an electronic differential pressure recorder. Every application would have a chart that would look different. The system in this sample chart below only runs for one shift each day. It does off-line pulse cleaning during breaks and lunch. You can see the pressure drop after each of these off-line cleanings during the day.

Infographic: Differential Pressure Monitoring Over a Day

How you record and monitor the differential pressure depends on your system. Have someone monitor and record the number at specified times every day. Alternatively, set up an electronic differential pressure monitoring device to track it. Each system’s normal differential pressure graph will look different. The point is to know what your system’s “normal” is so you can tell if anything changes.

If you do have an air permit, review it. It probably contains some statement that you’re responsible for monitoring and maintaining your equipment to prevent air contamination. It might not specifically say that you have to keep a differential pressure record… but keeping that record is a great way to show that you have the monitoring and maintenance bases covered.

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Imperial Systems Spark Trap installed at customer location


A spark trap (also called a spark arrestor) is a critical part of fire prevention in a dust collection system. They help block sparks before they can start a fire. We hope to answer some of your most frequently asked questions about our spark traps here. You can also watch the video below. If you need more information, please feel free to contact us.

  • How do spark traps work?

Our spark traps have impingement plates that cause turbulence and direct sparks and embers toward the walls of the spark trap, which knocks them around and causes them to lose heat. A screen blocks larger debris from passing through.


Diagram of how the Imperial Spark Arrestor works


  • Why do I need a spark trap?

This is one of the most common questions. If there’s a danger that a spark could travel through your ductwork and ignite combustible dust or other materials, a spark trap may be an important part of your fire prevention system. If you need to know whether a spark trap will work for your application, contact us and we’ll help you find out.


  • What size spark trap do I need?

This depends on the size of your ductwork. We manufacture to fit almost all diameters. Our standard sizes are 6 inches to 40 inches but larger ones are available.


  • How do I connect the spark trap to my ductwork?

To make it easy to install, you can choose from three end types. We manufacture them with a raw end, a flanged end, and a quick connect end for clamping. Larger models can be heavy and may need hangers or other support.


  • Where in the ductwork does a spark trap go?

This is another one of the frequently asked questions. They can be installed vertically or horizontally. For proper functioning, the length of duct between the spark source and the spark trap should be at least one duct diameter, and between the spark arrestor and the dust collector should be at least ten times the duct diameter. A shorter distance will prevent the spark trap from working correctly and is not recommended. If you have a question about the length of ductwork, we suggest that you contact us for assistance.


  • What kind of maintenance does a spark trap need?

Our spark trap comes with a drop-down cleanout door that removes easily. This allows you to clean out debris and dust. There are no moving parts that need to be maintained.


  • Can they be used for high temperature applications?

If the temperature of air going through the spark trap will be higher than 200 degrees F, please contact us with details. There are options for higher temperature applications.


  • Does a spark trap work for every application?

There are some applications where spark traps will not be able to function properly. They do not usually work well for applications with wood chips or sawdust, or applications with sticky or fibrous material. We can help you determine whether a spark trap will work in your system.


  • Is your spark trap guaranteed to stop all sparks?

Another one of our most frequently asked questions. No spark trap is guaranteed to stop all sparks. Our design is as effective as a spark trap can be. A spark trap is an important part of a fire prevention system, but it should not be the only part. Our model meets all NFPA standards. We will take the time to help you decide what equipment will best meet your needs.


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Air Filter Differential Pressure Monitoring



For any air filter, it’s important to know how efficient it is at filtering out dust and particles from the air. The problem is that not all dust is the same size. This will give you some idea of the different dust size that a dust or fume filter might have to deal with:

Dust size versus the MERV rating of a DeltaMAXX cartridge dust filter



A micron (also called a micrometer) is one millionth of a meter. As shown above, a human hair is about 80-100 microns. A sheet of paper is between 70 and 180 microns thick. Most fibers for use in making clothes are somewhere between 10 and 50 microns.

Here are some other things measured in microns:

BACTERIA – 1 to 10 microns

RED BLOOD CELL – 7 microns

MIST/FOG DROPLET – 10 microns




MERV stands for “minimum efficiency reporting value”. It is determined by testing a filter to find out what dust size it can filter. What’s important isn’t just the dust size, though. It’s also the efficiency: how much of that dust a filter can capture. There are three general categories of dust size used by ANSI/ASHRAE: E1, which is particles from 0.30 to 1 micron, E2, from 1 to 3 microns, and E3, from 3 to 10 microns.

The MERV rating tells you what percent of particles in that size range the filter will capture. Here are some examples:

MERV 6 – between 35 and 50% efficient for dust size bigger than 3 microns

MERV 10 – between 50 and 65% for dust size from 1 to 3 microns

MERV 15 – between 85 and 95% for dust size smaller than 1 micron



Your filter needs to have the right MERV rating for your dust size. For an industrial dust collector, this is especially important for meeting OSHA regulations, keeping your facility clean, and keeping the collector working efficiently.

Dust size can help determine what type of dust collector and filter you need.Metal fume particles and other industrial dust can be smaller than 1 micron. If you look at the chart above, you’ll see just how small that is. It’s much smaller than many other things you can’t even see.

Metal fume and smoke particles can also be dangerous for your health, so it’s important that a filter catches as much of that dust as possible.

DeltaMAXX nanofiber filters have a MERV rating of 15. This means that they will capture between 85 and 95% of particles in the 0.30 to 1 micron range.

If your dust is very hazardous, like hexavalent chromium, you may need to add a HEPA filter. These don’t have a MERV rating: their rating is usually between 99.95% and 99.99%.

So why not use HEPA filters for everything just to make sure? First, they’re expensive. Second, catching that dust size means that the filters have to slow down the air a lot and have a lot of resistance. This isn’t necessarily what you want happening in an industrial air filtration system. For most industrial applications, MERV 15 is efficient enough.

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Imperial Systems Heading South of the Border for Fabtech Mexico

Imperial Systems Heading South of the Border for Fabtech Mexico

From May 2nd to May 4th, you’ll find Imperial Systems President/CEO Jeremiah Wann and Sales and Marketing Manager Justin Badger representing the company at FABTECH Mexico. Travelling to Monterrey, they’ll be bringing along a CMAXX dust and fume collector to introduce it to our growing international market.

“We’ve sold equipment to places in Mexico and Central America in the last few years,” says Jeremiah Wann. “We want to keep growing our presence there.”

CMAXX dust and fume collector on display at Fabtech

FABTECH Mexico isn’t just an opportunity to give a new market a chance to see the CMAXX dust and fume collector. It’s also an opportunity for Imperial Systems to seek out new representatives of our products in the area.

“We have representatives all over the United States,” Jeremiah says. “We’re ready to find some dust and fume collection professionals who are ready to represent our products in Mexico and Central America.”

Many manufacturers in Mexico are upgrading their dust collection systems to provide better air quality for employees. Also, many international brands with manufacturing facilities in this area expect these facilities to meet the company’s overall health and safety standards.

Imperial Systems is ready to step into this market with the CMAXX, BRF baghouse, and other equipment to help these companies meet all of their air quality control needs. Bringing new representatives to work with us will help us expand into these areas.

FABTECH Mexico is a great chance to take the CMAXX to places it’s never been before. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for lots of photos as Justin and Jeremiah document their adventures! Like all our trade show experiences, we expect them to come back with lots of good leads and a few good stories.

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Imperial Systems Heading South of the Border for Fabtech Mexico

How Your Robotic Welding Cell Collector Can Kill Your Pricey Robot

Installing a robotic welding cell collector above a robotic welder might seem like a great idea. After all, it will quickly remove all the fumes produced by the robot. Also, the collector doesn’t take up any space on your crowded shop floor. What could possibly be wrong with this setup?

View of a robot at work inside a robotic welding cellCollector Installation Location

A robotic welder is an expensive piece of equipment. It’s certainly a big investment for any company. So the last thing you want to do is put it near anything that might damage it, right?

How about putting it right underneath something that might damage it?

Installing a welding fume collector above a robotic welder does save floor space. Since you mount it above the welder, it’s completely out of the way. There are some hazards with this arrangement, though, and we’ve seen them in action.

Weld fumes are almost always combustible. If the fume collector is located at some distance from the robotic welder, a deflagration that happens inside the collector will not damage the robot and will be contained in the collector. On the other hand, if you have a robotic welding cell collector mounted directly overhead, the deflagration is going to happen right above your very expensive piece of equipment.

Safeguard Your Robotic Welding Cell

A properly designed dust collection system will handle and safely vent an explosion. If the collector is outside the building, there will be minimal risk to people or property. The length of ductwork between the welder and the fume collector gives hot air and sparks time to cool down before they reach the collector.

When robotic welding cell collectors are in use, they’re inside the building and mounted overhead. There is almost no space between the source of fumes and the collector. This greatly increases the risk of a deflagration inside the collector.

This could be a disaster for your robotic welder. First of all, burning material or debris could fall on it and damage it. Also, a fire suppression system could shower your welder with water or fire extinguishing chemicals. You may have to remove your robot welder from service for costly repairs. Some events could even destroy it.

The floor space saved by mounting an extractor above the welder isn’t worth the cost of repairing or replacing a robotic welder. A robotic welding cell fume extraction system with hoods can effectively control fumes from the welder without the risk of damaging it.

Learn more about Robotic Weld Cell Fume Extraction.


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Air Filter Differential Pressure Monitoring

Customer Photos Show CMAXX is Best Value in Vertical Dust Collectors

It’s no secret here that we love vertical dust collectors. They’re better than horizontal collectors in just about every way, which we discussed in our last post. Not all vertical dust collectors are created equal, however. Today, we’re sharing a customer’s experience with a competitor’s vertical dust collectors and why he’s choosing a CMAXX this time.

Competitive Design Prone to Corrosion

A manufacturing company approached us recently, looking to replace their current vertical cartridge collector. Since they purchased it, they’ve experienced many of the problems we often see with other dust collector brands. They even sent us these pictures to show us what they were dealing with.

Rusted vertical dust collectors

Rust is a major factor for any piece of metal equipment that’s going to be outside. Exposure to the elements will occur for many years. Most vertical dust collectors that competitors such as Camfil Farr manufacture bolt together from the outside. Every external bolt hole is an opportunity for rust. In the photos, it’s easy to see where the bolt holes have rusted. Consequently, rust continues to form all over the collector.

The customer told us that they prefer the CMAXX design specifically because of experiencing this problem with their current collector. There are no external bolt holes on the CMAXX, so this is one problem they won’t have to worry about.

FARR Dust Collector rusted bolts

Another problem the customer has experienced with their current vertical dust collector is the roof. They have had to repaint it three times just to keep it from rusting through completely. This is a major issue because a hole in the roof allows water to get inside, wetting the cartridges. This will ruin them. The customer has had serious concerns about the roof of this collector for years. They have been struggling to keep the rust problem under control.

FARR Rusted Bolts and Rusted Roof


CMAXX Vertical Dust Collector Dons Crown

Crowntech logoThe customer liked the domed CrownTech roof of the CMAXX, which allows snow, water, and debris to slide off the roof instead of sitting on top. Unlike any of our competitors in the vertical dust collector market, the CMAXX is specifically designed to solve the problem of rusting on the collector roof. On a Camfil Farr or any other vertical dust collector brand, everything that falls onto the roof sits on it. Over time, this causes the roof to rust and fail.

When you choose a dust collector, you’re making a major investment. Like our customer, you’re expecting this purchase to last for many years. You know you’ll have to replace filters. You’re expecting that certain parts, like valves, may need maintenance occasionally. This is typical maintenance you’ll perform on any vertical dust collector, whether it’s a CMAXX, Camfil Farr, or any other brand. However, repairing holes in a rusting roof is something you probably didn’t plan to do. With the CMAXX design, you won’t have to.

Our customer sent us these photographs of their current collector to show us the concerns they had with it, especially the issue of rust on the roof and around external bolts. They are switching to CMAXX because its design doesn’t have these problems. With no external bolt holes and a domed roof to protect it from the weather, their new collector will give them many years of rust-free service.


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