This is the last episode we are recording at Fabtech Atlanta 2022 from our booth. For our last episode from Fabtech we got to get together with Al Bohlen the President of Mazak Optonics. He talks to Donovan about how he got into the industry and about what machine tools are. They also discuss how Mazak helps make the manufacturing process more efficient and what some of the future machines of Mazak will be.
Narrator: Welcome to the Dusty Jobs Podcast from Imperial Systems. Industry knowledge to make your job easier and safer.
Donovan: Hello and welcome to another episode of the Dusty Jobs podcast. We’re here at Fabtech for our last podcast we’re doing here live. And we’re here with Al Bohlen. Is that I said that right?
Al: That is correct. You got it right.
Donovan: And you’re the president at Mazak
Al: President of Mazak Optonics. That is correct. Yeah.
Donovan: Yeah. So we’re so excited to have you with us today.
Al: Thank you.
Donovan: And how long have you been with Mazak?
Al: I’ve been with Mazak 12 years. And I started in the industry over 30 years ago.
Donovan: Oh wow.
Al: Yeah, I’ve been in the industry literally since I graduated from college. So I started in electrical engineering. I went to an engineering school and got a degree in electrical engineering. And when I first graduated, I was just really looking for a way to apply my knowledge. And quite candidly didn’t know a whole lot about the machine tool industry. My dad and my brother, we all grew up in the car world. We owned auto body shops and did a lot of wrenching and we were mechanics and those kinds of things, but I really didn’t understand machine tools. But there was a job opening in a local area. I grew up in New England and that was Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, jet engines. So they actually build machine tools for manufacturing of jet engine parts. And I really got my first job straight out of college working on a machine tool, working in the jet industry, jet engine industry. And over a period of time, started to become more familiar with the different processes milling and machining and show my age a little bit. But back in those days, there were no laser cutting machines. So it was a lot of turning and milling kind of applications. Eventually found my way into another very large fabrication equipment company and just spent a greater part of my younger years being a service engineer in the field. So installing equipment, servicing equipment.
Donovan: Oh yeah.
Al: And actually spent time in the manufacturing sector, actually building those machine tools and a lot of electronics, a lot of servo drive motors, PLCs, controls, that kind of stuff. And just year by year, step by step, found my path to a higher level in the machine tool world and then found myself in Mazak.
Donovan: That’s great. So you not only have you been out, done the work on this equipment, you’ve kind of been in the industry in a lot of different facets. That’s exciting.
Al: Correct. Yeah, I mean, it’s, you know, it’s just, it’s my life, but I have a passion for it. I still enjoy it. I still like to wrench the machines. A lot of my guys now would rather me keep my hands off the equipment, but I enjoy it. So yeah, even now, if a new machine is being installed in our technology center, I like to participate in it because I still like to get my hands on it. But yeah, I’ve spent my entire career really being a hands-on, you know, participant in the creation of new machine tools.
Donovan: Yeah, yeah. So you’ve been talking about machine tools a lot. So anybody out there who’s maybe not familiar with Mazak, what is the piece of equipment that you guys make and what do they do?
Al: So Mazak is essentially the largest machine tool builder in the world. So we’re making equipment for metal processing. Metal processing can be many different categories, right? I mean we can cut it, we can weld it, we can bend it, we can remove metal, add metal, you know, machine it. But I like to also associate that, you know, again, because I’m a car guy, I like to kind of connect the dots to our world, right? So if you take a raw casting of metal and you want to make it an engine for a car, you’ve got a lot of metal to remove and then and then bring it to a very high tolerance, right? So whether it’s a jet engine part or whether it’s an automotive part, chassis suspension part, I think in our Midwest world, we see a lot of agriculture, right? So we see a lot of equipment being planting and seeding and harvesting and all this kind of stuff. And people can relate to that, they see it. They’re driving down the road and they see a combine pulling up corn, especially here in the fall. And all the parts associated with those combines our main and our kind of equipment.
Donovan: Or that tractor that they’ve been driving behind for the last 20 minutes. – Right, yeah.
Al: So that’s us.
Donovan: So you guys, basically there’s a raw piece of metal that goes into this side of the process, and you guys make it come out as something that can actually be used.
Al: Right, a finished product. – Yeah.
Donovan: Right.
Al: So you’re taking a raw piece of metal and saying, “Okay, what’s this gonna be? Is it gonna be an engine component? Is it gonna be a chassis component?” Or maybe something quite simple. It could be a sheet metal cover, a guard over something, or let’s talk about heating and ventilation, air conditioning, heating equipment, all of this stuff has a tremendous amount of sheet metal around it, right?
Donovan: Right.
Al: And you’ve gotta cut it to some shape or size, and then ultimately that might be bent or welded, and then eventually painted, and then assembled to the final product.
Donovan: So when we’re talking about cutting, cutting these pieces, what’s the process you guys use? If someone’s out there saying, I have this process that we’re looking at, What would Mazak come in and say, we can help you guys cut that with a laser, cut it with plasma, cut it with–
Al: Right, right. – So, you know, typically the type of customer that is approaching Mazak is probably looking for a very high accuracy part and a high quality part. Meaning, okay, yes, there’s many different ways to process a piece of metal, right?
Donovan: Right.
Al: I mean, you could physically, manually cut it by hand. You know, you could use a grinder and actually cut through a piece of metal with a handheld grinder that you bought at Home Depot.
Donovan: Right, right.
Al: But soon people graduate to, okay, I need a more sophisticated way to cut this part. I need it to be higher accuracy, right? And that first step probably is a thermal cutting process. It could be oxy settling torch. It could be a plasma table. Could be a water jet, high pressure water cutting with an abrasive. But those processes typically yield a less accurate part. and maybe the edge quality, the fit and finish of the part is a little bit lower. So it might be less expensive way to make the part, but a lot of handling.
Donovan: Yeah, okay, yeah.
Al: So they’ll come to us and say, look, we don’t wanna handle the part so many times, we wanna higher accuracy part, we wanna better quality part right off the machine. And they say, okay, do you make a machine that we don’t have to do five secondary operations to this part? We wanna go right from your machine, right onto the final assembly. Okay, so they’re looking for maybe a higher capital equipment investment, but less secondary operations.
Donovan: Right, so like in our shop, we do a lot of welding.
Al: Yep.
Donovan: And we have a laser cutter from you guys. And I know that when we started using the laser, the guys cut their weld time down tremendously.
Al: Right.
Donovan: Because it was so much easier because those cuts were so much closer.
Al: Correct.
Donovan: It just saved us a ton of time in our shop. And if our guys are welding less, that means they’re being exposed less and it’s healthier for them.
Al: Yeah, exactly. It’s all the downstream advantages of producing, again, a higher quality part and a better accurate part. So people say, okay, well, why do I need a more accurate part? Well, you just hit right on it. That’s a home run. My son happens to be a welder and in the shop that he works in, they don’t cut with a laser, they cut with a plasma table. It does the job. But when those parts arrive at the welding bay, the fit of those parts, so you may have several parts coming together, the fit of those parts is just not quite as good, right? So you have more gap, you might require more fixturing to hold these metal parts in place, ’cause they don’t fit as well as you’d like them to. So if you bring laser cut parts, there’s more consistency, accuracy, right? The fit is quicker, maybe you need less time jigging those parts, holding those parts for the welding process, right?
Donovan: Right.
Al: So now you’ve saved time there. and now it just moves down the line.
Donovan: Now, correct me if I’m wrong on this, but you guys also, not only can it be more accurate, but you get into a lot more automated systems. I know on our table, we’re able to just set it and it keeps loading and unloading the parts so that our operator can actually be standing there and working a lot more efficiently and things are coming out a lot faster too.
Al: Yeah, for example, we call it done in one, and that’s a kind of philosophy at Mazak, done in one, it’s a slogan we use. And what we mean by that is we want to do, bring more processes into the machine and less handling outside of the machine. So that when the part is done, it’s done in many ways. For example, we make machines that actually can do tapping operations, milling operations, not just thermal cutting. We can do many other secondary operations incorporated into that machine. Material handling is another aspect of that, right? So if a customer has a, what we call standalone machine, he’s going to have to manually, physically bring the material to the machine, maybe with a forklift and overhead crane or something like that. And that takes time, right? It takes time to load it, takes time to unload it. And there can be moments in time where the laser itself, the cutting device is not running because it’s waiting. It’s waiting for you to bring material to it. It’s waiting for you to remove material off of it. So if we can automate that process, we’re saving more time and that gives us more parts per hour.
Donovan: Now, and I’ve seen it in some shops where you’re able to load a skid of material on a cutting table and then that can even run when there’s nobody there.
Al: Correct, you know, we call it value added. Of course, everyone likes to use that term, but if you’ve got an operator that has to kind of babysit the machine, in other words, they have to stay there at every minute to make sure that it has the material it needs and make sure that it continues to run for extended periods of time, there’s nothing else he can do. The operator has to kind of man that machine.
Donovan: Right, and then handcuff too.
Al: Right, he’s handcuffed or shackled or whichever term he wants to use. He’s the can’t leave, right? Now, if we automate that process, we have a device that can load the material, unload the material for extended periods of time, two hours, three hours, five hours. That operator is afforded time to do something else. It is quite common to have the laser operator, once he gets the laser set up ready to run and it’s an automated machine, he can do something else. He could be bending parts. He could be doing some other operations in the shop and he does not have to be attending to the laser. Let it run. And then you can reassign that person to some other task in the shop. So you’re really getting a bonus round of time.
Donovan: I know for us, as we have been able to become, we’ve been growing and as we grow, we were able to do with the same amount of people because of technologies like this.
Al: Sure, sure.
Donovan: We’re able to just be a lot more efficient with the same group of people.
Al: Absolutely. You know, of course the common thread here is certainly, we wanna be a strong employer to the community and we love the idea of adding more people to our team, but we want a dynamic team. We want a team of people that can do lots of different things and we can move them around in our operation, use them for different things. Same thing goes in your shop, right? You may have welders, you have vendors, you have painters, You know, if you could say, hey, if we can save time over here and we can reassign that person to do some other role in our shop and that’s value to our company, right? Everybody wins.
Donovan: I know the other thing that the guys like in our shop is that when they’re running that piece of equipment, it’s clean. They’re not having to climb up on there, mess with the metal, knock parts off. It’s a real clean process. You can stand there and not feel like you’re getting choked out with smoke or anything
Al: I mean, there’s been an evolution, again, being in the industry for 30 years, I can really step back and look at what has changed. And when you think about 20, 30 years ago, we’d have burn tables, whether it’s oxy acetylene plasma tables, whatever, wide open, no dust collection, smoke billowing from it, just literally filling the shop with smoke. I worked in a shop where you couldn’t see more than maybe 500 yards down the other end of the shop because the smoke was just staggering. know, right, but the idea of operator safety, cleanliness, environment, you know, really taking care of not only the machines themselves, but the people that run them, right? Now we started to look to, okay, how can we capture the cutting process? How can we capture the particulate capture the smoke and debris that’s coming off of these machines, right? Okay. And we started to look at, you know, dust collection systems, what is available to us, right? And we didn’t even know what we needed. We didn’t know how much filter capacity we needed or how or couldn’t can it extract smoke? Can you filter smoke? What is the smoke? What is the DNA of what’s coming off that burn table? And it’s taken a lot of years to really perfect that in our partnership with Imperial is really highlighted what what that means because we develop a lot of new products, And when we start from the beginning, we’re not sure yet how much capacity we need, So having a partner like Imperial to work with us on a new product development and look at the kind of capacities, the particulate per hour, the filtration rates we need. We’re not an expert in that category. So we really need someone like Imperial to come inside and look at what we’re doing and advise us and kind of guide us on the proper solutions. And it’s been just a tremendous partnership.
Donovan: Oh, and we really appreciate working with you guys too. It’s been a great learning curve for us too, to learn all more about what you guys are doing. And I think you even have more new stuff coming up, isn’t that right?
Al: Yeah, I mean, of course we never sit still.
Donovan: Right.
Al: And I say even being this business for 30 years and with Mazak more than 10 years, it seems like the next day tomorrow is an exciting new day of what are we gonna develop, you know? Even the products that we brought here to Fabtech, super excited about those, but those machines were in development for the past two, three years. Okay? We’re already working on things that are gonna come in 2023 and 2024, we already know where it’s going. For example, we have a lot of new tube laser products. We’ve advanced our cutting portfolio to really look at tube laser cutting as a big growing market. It’s already been established. We already sell a lot of tube lasers in North America, but there’s an opportunity for growth in that sector with larger format machines, larger diameters, this kind of thing. And again, we’re gonna have to look at, Okay, different sizes, by the way, different metals. A lot of people are cutting now, aluminums and titanium and all sorts of things on these tube lasers. And we’re gonna have to look at new ways to collect that particulate, right? It’s taking a dust collector and a flat sheet laser does not translate to a tube laser, all right? So we have to start all over again and say, okay, what kind of collection system do we need for that? But we’re super excited. I mean, those are fun things to work on.
Donovan: Yeah, yeah.
Al: We love those challenges.
Donovan: Because in the end it’s going to make a cleaner environment for the end user, for the people who are using this, the guy who’s there running that laser.
Al: Absolutely.
Donovan: It’s going to make a great product because of the way it’s getting cut and the way it’s getting processed.
Al: A cleaner product. Yeah. A safer environment for the operators, safer environment for all of us. And let’s not forget, we live on this planet, we got to take good care of it.
Donovan: We do.
Al: And so it’s not, yes of course, high priority is our people and the surrounding areas. let’s be very open and transparent. This particulate that we’re trying to capture, if we don’t capture it, it’s going out into our world.
Donovan: It is.
Al: And we have a responsibility, not just for the immediate operator around that machine, but to our environment, right?
Donovan: To the neighbors.
Al: Absolutely. I mean, Mazak has a global commitment to really being eco-conscious to what we’re doing. So for example, even when we manufacture our own machines in our own factories, we look at how much energy we’re using. How can we do energy reduction, electricity use? How are we impacting the environment with coolants and debris and by the way, consumables, you know? We don’t wanna fill a landfill worth of debris in our manufacturing process, right? So we’re looking at not just creating machine tools, but being environmentally conscious as how do we go about doing it.
Donovan: That’s awesome, that’s great. I know for myself, I really appreciate that you guys take that approach. That’s another reason we love to be partners with you guys in this stuff because–
Al: I think if we are more like-minded and we can kind of bring awareness to what we’re doing, right? Like even we, okay, our machines at times will need service and we need consumables and we’ve got a parts department, right? So we’re packing parts every day and we’re putting them in a cardboard box and we’re shipping them off to the customer. We think, okay, out of sight, out of mind. We just ship the cardboard box. I don’t know where it’s gonna end up. Does it end up in a landfill?
Donovan: Right.
Al: Is it a recyclable material?
Donovan: Right.
Al: Are we using packaging materials that are environmentally friendly?
Donovan: Right.
Al: You don’t necessarily have to think about those things, but if you’re really a conscious contributor to manufacturing, you have to also think about those things.
Donovan: Right, right. And it’s phenomenal that you guys are doing that.
Al: So thank you. – Thank you.
Donovan: Well, is there anything else that you think is, you wanna share about, I mean, how was your show? You guys had a good show?
Al: Yeah, it’s been a fab tech that we hoped for. We had the attendance volume that we were hoping, that means people are busy, that means they’re still buying machine tools, the economy is strong.
Donovan: Right.
Al: Certainly everybody has their concerns about inflation and the rising costs of goods and supply chain challenges and all those kinds of things. But at the end of the day, manufacturing is strong. And I’m really encouraged because of course, I’m a big proponent of onshoring and building more and doing more here in the US. And we see that, we see an embrace, especially coming out of COVID, where we saw those vulnerabilities to having this global economy is great. And we certainly embrace the idea of a global economy, but we do need to understand our vulnerabilities when it is that supply chains are disrupted and manufacturing more here in the United States is something we’re very optimistic about. And I think that’s shows true here at the show. So, we’re really encouraged.
Donovan: So let me ask you one more question. So I’ve seen a lot of students walking around this show too. haven’t you? And so yeah, we have some of these young people that are out there and they’re walking around the show and a lot of them are here because they’re welders but I mean talking to you and seeing a lot of what’s going on I mean there might be a young person out there listening to the show or maybe someone looking to make a career shift. So I don’t like maybe learning more about cutting systems, lasers, that kind of technology might be a real opportunity.
Al: Making stuff is something you can be very proud of when you create something with your hands and say, I made that. And I think for a lot of years in our country, we certainly have embraced and encouraged higher education. And that’s absolutely an admirable thing, right? And I have children of my own and some of them are, gone to a way to universities and have multiple degrees. But I also have a welder in my house and he’s a certified welder and he makes stuff and he builds stuff and he’s proud of that. And I think that’s the main message is that, You know, we can have an opportunity to bring a young generation into our world. It is something you can be proud of, but also, by the way, earn a really good living. Yeah. OK, we are desperate to find highly skilled mechanics and engineers and welders and tradesmen. And the trades can be something that’s very rewarding, as well as, quite frankly, a very financially rewarding career. Yeah. So we want to encourage that, right? We want to embrace the idea that not every person is built to go to a four-year university and become a doctor or a lawyer.
Donovan: I know I wasn’t built to be an accountant. I know that for sure.
Al: As me as well.
Donovan: Yeah. So, I’m glad we have other people that are. Yeah.
Al: Yeah, we need them.
Donovan: We need them, but we’re going to do what we do.
Al: Right.
Donovan: Right. So, well, hey, Al, thanks so much for sharing with us.
Al: It’s great to be here. Great to be here.
Donovan: Taking some time to sit down. I know you guys are busy. You got a lot going on. You’ve given us a minute at the show.
Al: Thank you for allowing us to participate. We love the partnership.
Donovan: Yeah. Yeah. So everybody out there who’s listening, you can find Mazak on your guys’ website. I’m sure you guys also have social media. You guys on LinkedIn.
Al: All of it. Right. YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn. You’ll find us everywhere.
Donovan: Right. So go on there, subscribe, get on their YouTube channel, see what the new stuff is they have coming out. And for us, same. Go on any social media platform. You can find us. Until we talk to you guys again next time, everybody out there stays healthy and stay safe and I just want to say thanks again for coming on.
Al: And also happy holidays, we’re coming up, right?
Donovan: That’s true.
Al: Happy holidays to everybody.
Donovan: Happy holidays to everybody. All right, thanks.
Al: Take care. Bye bye.
Narrator: Thanks for listening to the Dusty Jobs Podcast. Breathe better, work safer.
It is important to understand duct velocity when considering a design for a dust collection system. This term refers to the speed at which air moves through ductwork. This velocity is crucial in determining the effectiveness of a dust collection system and ensuring that it operates efficiently. Let’s look at why duct velocity matters in dust collection and how it can impact the performance of a system.
Why Duct Velocity Matters
Duct velocity plays a critical role in dust collection. That’s because it affects the amount of dust that can convey through the system. The size of the ductwork, the type of collected dust, and the airflow rate determine the ideal velocity. If the velocity is too high, it can cause premature wearing of the ductwork, especially in applications with abrasive dusts. A velocity that is too high can also cause increased system static pressure. Further, If the velocity is too low, it can lead to dust settling in the ductwork. This can reduce the efficiency of the system.
In addition to affecting the collection efficiency of the system, duct velocity can also impact the energy consumption of the system. If the velocity is too high, it can increase the energy required to move the air through the ductwork. On the other hand, if the velocity is too low, it can result in insufficient airflow. This will cause the system to work harder to collect the dust.
Optimizing Velocity to Increase Efficiency
To optimize duct velocity, it is important to consider several factors. This includes the size of the ductwork, the type of collected dust, and the airflow rate. One way to ensure optimization is to use a duct sizing calculator, which can determine the appropriate velocity for a given system.
Using ductwork with smooth, straight runs and long-radius elbows can optimize duct velocity. This can reduce turbulence in the air stream and minimize the potential for dust settling in the ductwork. Additionally, using appropriate branch fittings, bends, and transitions in the ductwork can help to maintain a consistent airflow rate and minimize system static pressure. This reduces overall energy costs.
The best and easiest way to ensure duct velocity is optimized is to reach out to a team of trusted professionals to design your system. Our team of experts have the knowledge and experience necessary to design a new system, or evaluate your existing system and identify areas for improvement. They can help you select the right size ducts and fittings, and ensure that your system is properly balanced to achieve the desired velocity. By working with professionals in the field, you can be confident that your dust collection system will operate efficiently and effectively, helping to protect your workers’ health and safety while also reducing maintenance costs and downtime.
What is Static Pressure in Reference to Dust Collection?
Static pressure is the force exerted by a gas or fluid, such as air, against an object. Its measurement is in inches of water gauge (in. w.g). In the context of dust collection, static pressure refers to the amount of resistance that the dust collection system’s ductwork and filters are exerting on the airflow. This resistance can come from a variety of sources, including the length and diameter of the ductwork, the type and condition of the filters, and the presence of bends or elbows in the ductwork.
Effects on Airflow and Suction
Understanding and managing static pressure is crucial for effective dust collection. If it is too high for the fan to overcome, it can reduce the airflow and decrease suction. Loss of suction makes it more difficult for the dust collector to remove dust particles from the dust generation source. Another problem with suction loss and reduced airflow is that dust can settle and clog the ductwork. This can lead to poor air quality or other unwanted consequences.
On the other hand, if your fan is too large for the static pressure in the system, it can cause the dust collector to be energy inefficient, resulting in increased energy consumption and higher operating costs.
Keep Static Pressure in Check
To ensure optimal performance and efficiency, it is important for controls to regularly measure and monitor the pressure in your dust collection system. Do this manually by using a manometer or a pressure transducer. These tools can be used to identify areas of the system that may be causing excessive resistance and determine if they require maintenance or replacement.
Another way to reduce static pressure is to use a high-efficiency filter or a filter with a higher filter area. Both the CMAXX Dust & Fume Collector and Shadow Compact Fume Extractor use our DeltaMAXX Prime cartridge filters, which have 400 square feet of media per filter. This allows our systems to maintain a lower static pressure drop and increase the airflow while still capturing the dust particles.
It is important to consult with an air ventilation professional when planning a dust collection system. To help reduce static pressure requirements you should use a properly designed dust collection system that has adequate duct size, smooth transitions, and a minimal number of elbows. Static pressure in a dust collection system can vary depending on the type and size of the ductwork, as well as the connected hoods, machines, and conditions.
Static pressure plays a crucial role in the performance and efficiency of your dust collection system. By regularly measuring and managing static pressure, you can ensure that your system is working at its best, and avoid potential problems such as reduced airflow, increased energy consumption, and higher maintenance costs. Our team of dust collection professionals is here to help you design a system that is the most efficient and effective solution for your facility.
Dangerous and combustible dusts pose a threat to various industries and businesses. These dusts can be found in facilities handling metal, wood, grain, aggregate, and much more. So, to ensure the safety of residents and workers, regulatory organizations oversee the presence and removal of dangerous dusts in these types of applications. Here are the major regulatory agencies and organizations that protect everyone from dust and fumes:
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is the primary regulatory agency under the United States Department of Labor. It works to enforce worker safety in a variety of industries. OSHA regulates hazardous dust to ensure the health and well-being of workers. To that end, the agency has issued a Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) depending on the amount of particulate per meter of air over eight hours. Consequently, companies working in any industry must not exceed the PEL set forth by OSHA. Thus, if a workplace is unsafe for the individuals who work there, OSHA will intervene to improve worker safety. In cases that involve hazardous dust or fumes, OSHA enforces requirements for proper dust collection to be put in place. They also have the right to fine companies who do not comply.
In 2008, OSHA launched the National Emphasis Program (NEP) in response to dust explosions that had occurred in the years prior. The NEP’s goal is to reduce the number of dust explosions and the severity of those that do occur. The program includes targeted inspections, outreach and education efforts, and enforcement of applicable regulations and standards.
In February 2020, OSHA added Section IV, Chapter 6 to the OSHA Technical Manual. This additional chapter discusses the regulations and abatement of combustible dust in the workplace. Under this added chapter, employers need to ensure the proper removal and disposal of combustible dust. This applies to any indoor area to keep workers and property safe from harm.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for regulating certain types of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), including those generated by the combustion of certain dusts. The role of this regulatory agency in controlling combustible dust hazards is primarily through the implementation of the Clean Air Act (CAA) and its associated regulations.
Under the CAA, the EPA has the authority to regulate HAPs that are released into the atmosphere from various sources. This includes industrial facilities and processes that generate or handle combustible dusts. The EPA sets National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPs) to control emissions from these sources. Further, it ensures that they do not pose a risk to public health or the environment.
The EPA also provides guidance and resources to help facilities comply with the CAA and NESHAPs. This includes best practices for managing and controlling combustible dusts, recommendations for dust collection and control equipment, and information on potential alternatives to the use of combustible materials.
The National Fire Prevention Agency is a nonprofit organization that works to prevent injury, death, and damage caused by fire. The NFPA is another regulatory agency that develops and publishes codes and standards related to fire safety. This includes the Standard on Combustible Dust, NFPA 652. It provides guidelines for the management and control of combustible dust in the workplace.
The NFPA may work with an Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ), such as a local fire department or building code official, to enforce its regulations. If the hazardous dust in the workplace is flammable, the NFPA can provide a risk assessment and advise on the proper steps to make the workplace safer. All companies must meet NFPA regulations to ensure the safety of people and property. The AHJ has the authority to shut down production and delay labor until NFPA regulations are met.
Insurance Company Requirements and Regulatory Agencies
It is in the best interest of insurance providers to make sure that the businesses they insure are safe. Insurance companies may place certain requirements and regulations on a business to ensure that a company is doing everything it can to provide a safe environment for both people and property. Insurance companies may require dust removal as part of their coverage requirements and may require compliance with NFPA regulations to receive full coverage.
Ensure Worker Safety with Imperial Systems
Imperial Systems is the industry leader in the removal of dangerous dust and fumes. Our team of dust collection professionals is ready to help you understand the rules of regulatory agencies and the measures needed at your facility to keep your employees safe. We can design a full turnkey solution to keep your business safe, healthy, and NFPA compliant.
In this special episode we are recording at Fabtech Atlanta 2022 from our booth. We had Beau Wigington from join us and take time out of his busy podcast schedule. Beau runs the podcast for called WELD by Donovan asks about some of the guest he has had on his podcast both at Fabtech and overall. Beau also tells us about what they do at and how they want to help educate new welders with knowledge and resources to further their career.
Narrator: Welcome to the Dusty Jobs Podcast from Imperial Systems. Industry knowledge to make your job easier and safer.
Donovan: Hello, welcome to another episode of the Dusted Jobs podcast. We’re here at FABTECH again, and joining us is Beau Wigington from How you doing today, man?
Beau: I’m doing wonderful. How are you?
Donovan: I’m doing good. So you have been doing podcasts right across from our booth all show too
Beau: Right across the street, man? Yeah, we’re neighbors.
Donovan: We’re neighbors. We are.
Beau: It has been real fun.
Donovan: And now we are podcast friends.
Beau: Hey, we’re podcasting. Like I’m doing a podcast. You do podcasts. We’re just podcast people
Donovan: That’s it. So our podcast here at Imperial is, we talk a lot more about health and safety in the weld industry. Maybe some technologies that are coming out, but I feel bad. I don’t know a lot about your podcast and I probably know that some of the people that are listening to ours don’t know a lot about it either. So tell me what podcasts is about.
Beau: So I took over the podcast back in April and when I took over… I’m new to the welding industry. I’ve been in it for about two years.
Donovan: Okay.
Beau: And I’m curious. I want to learn. I don’t know everything. I don’t pretend to know everything. So, that’s what I do on my podcast, I bring people on, I ask them what they do, try to learn things from them, and I try to ask questions like a beginner would. Because that’s what I am, you know? It’s not that hard for me to act like I don’t know what you’re talking about, cause a lot of times I don’t but and I’m okay. Like, I don’t mind if people are like, oh, well, he doesn’t know anything. I know a lot now and I’ve learned a lot through this podcast. But you’ve learned a lot from people?
Donovan: Same here. Yeah, I have learned a lot. I mean, we’ve had a lot of different industries on our podcast, and, I’ve learned about everything from OSHA regulations whole way down to Hemp manufacturing. And these are things I never thought I would’ve dug into, but there we are.
Beau: There you are. Yeah, I interview a lot of welders, a lot of manufacturers, just people in the welding, like pipe welders, production welders, CWI’s. A lot of our hosts come from We have people all over the world that are making educational content for us. So like, I’ve interviewed people, and we have a couple of German hosts.
Donovan: Okay.
Beau: A bunch of people up in Canada. There’s some people in South America. So it’s really interesting hearing what the industry is like.
Donovan: So if I jump on right now, I get on there. What are some things I might get on there to learn about? What are some topics that are really good? If I’m a welder and I’m looking, what would I be finding out on you guys’ website?
Beau: So our website would take you to one of two places. It would say, hey, here’s our YouTube channel. We’ve got tons of educational content on there, but we also just launched an app because everybody loves apps, right? It’s not like you don’t have 700 apps on your phone but this one is for welders. It’s called the Weld app.
Donovan: Okay. Oh, got you.
Beau: By And the big thing on it is that instead of like… so Instagram is a big place for welders. Everybody. But the algorithm is just… you post something and it only gets seen by X amount of people. So we have a social media aspect. So if you want to share your work, ask questions, it’s not like you’re fighting an algorithm, it’s just there. It’s like you can see everybody.
Donovan: So, it’s just a place for welders to share that.
Beau: Yes. For welders to share… if you’re in the industry. So there’s also a job board, so If companies are trying to hire people…
Donovan: Nobody’s looking for welders right now.
Beau: I mean, yeah, there’s not many welding jobs out there
Donovan: There’s a total abundance of welders in the market.
Beau: Oh, Yeah, there’s too many welders and not enough jobs right?
Beau: No, it’s the exact opposite. Right. And so we have a job board where companies can compose, but we’re also going to implement it where a welder can put themselves out there and say, I’m certified in these things, this is how far I’ll travel and this is how much you’re going to pay me
Donovan: Oh, yeah.
Beau: So like, we’re really trying to advocate for welders. Yeah. We want to grow the industry and we also want to help people get paid what their worth, because, I mean, that’s a big problem with the industry right now. You get out of school and you’d try to go into the industry and you’re getting paid like nothing. You know, compared to what you’re worth. Like even a new welder, like they’re worth something. Like, all these companies try to bring them on and they’re just like, oh no, we’re not going to hire you unless you have five years of experience. It’s like, okay, where are those guys at? Then you’re going to hire them for $15? With five years of experience? You’re crazy!
Donovan: That’s not going to happen these days. Yeah. That’s crazy. And why wouldn’t you want to hire a guy out of school? You can train that person to weld the way you want them to weld. You can train them to do it the way that they’re not going to learn any bad habits from other shops. They’re not going to have, you can bring them into your environment and teach them. We’ve hired a lot of guys in our shop straight out of our trade school to our local trade school, and we know that they’re getting a good education there. And then we know that they’re coming in and we can continue to build on that. You know, so at our shop, I know we’re not afraid to hire a young guy or a new guy because in our mind that’s better than someone who’s…
Beau: I mean, you want to… it’s like, okay, I’m going to teach you how to… you’re going to learn on the job anyway. Like, if I’m going to go and do like, work in plants, you know, you might, you’re going to learn how to pipe weld in a school environment, but it’s not usually going to be on the material you’re going to do in the field.
Donovan: So, it’s not hanging upside down on a crane to do it
Beau: Yeah. You’re not learning how to do it that way and you’re going to have to learn it on the job. Right. You know, and that’s just the crazy part. So we’re trying to get more welders jobs. Right. Like more welders to just be out there and find good jobs. We’re also doing a marketplace, we’re still building that aspect of it. But Instead of buying machines on like eBay, Facebook marketplace and then they ship it there and it’s like full of like jelly beans or something, you know, it’s just a totally worthless machine. We’re going to try to vet stuff to make sure, you know, you’re getting a good quality machine right. Not a hunk of junk, you know?
Donovan: Well we’ve, you know, our machine has been in the market for a while and we’ve had customers call us that they’ve done that. They’ve bought it off on an online site and it shows up and it doesn’t have any filters or it’s missing half the parts. And they’re trying to…
Beau: And they’re like, Hey, what’s up with this thing I bought secondhand?
Donovan: Exactly.
Beau: Well, you know, if you would’ve come to us, we could’ve definitely helped you out, but yeah, I’m going to still try to help you.
Donovan: Oh yeah, we for sure. We would definitely always help whoever’s out there and we have a team that can go out and we’ve helped them put it back together and service it so it’s up and running like new. So, yeah.
Beau: That’s awesome. And then the last part of the app, like the most important part is that we are a welding Education Company. You know, we’re trying to educate people. So we have a whole education suite on it. So, you know, if you want to learn how to do a specific certification test, we have videos on it with timestamps. You’re like, oh, I’m only having problems with my bills on my 3G stick plate. You know, I’m having a hard time with that filler pass. I’ll just jump. It’s all broken out into, you know, you don’t have to scroll through it. You can go right to what you want to see. If you have a question, the instructor that made that video is linked at the bottom, you can ask them directly the question that you have, like, if there’s any questions. You got it. And also in the feed, we have a lot of newer welders on the weld app right now because on Instagram if you post a bad weld everyone would be like, give up! Go home!
Beau: You know?
Donovan: It’s full of positivity.
Beau: Oh yeah. It’s a wonderful environment. Yeah. You know, it’s like, it doesn’t make you want to pull your hair out. Yeah. The big thing we’re trying to do is make people comfortable to ask questions. You know, because we have teachers, we have certified welders, we have CWIs, and we have people that can answer a question with real knowledge. And give you like, just help people. Because a big thing that’s happening in the industry is old people are retiring. Right? Like the older welders that have all this wealth of knowledge, they’re retiring and that knowledge is going with them. Right. So like, we’re trying everything we can to just get that knowledge, like save it and pass it on. You know, get people connected with people that can help them grow their skills. Because they’re not going to just learn it in school, you know?
Donovan: No. And I know those guys that are in our shop that are older, they’re excited when those young guys come in and they’re willing to listen and learn. They like it when they have questions rather than just trying to do something on their own. So I think there’s a lot of value in that where there’s a community of experienced welders out there that are really interested in this next generation that is coming up and getting them to not make the mistakes maybe they made when they were starting out. So that’s awesome that you guys are doing that. That’s great!
Beau: That’s a big thing. We’re just really trying to promote the app here, but you know, it’s just trying to like, we’re going to try to work with the CWB to like work on it in the Canadian content, you know, just like anywhere you go in the world, we’re trying to be a global welding resource, you know? So anywhere you are in the world, we want to help you get better. We want to help you get to where you want to be.
Donovan: Well, welding’s welding everywhere
Beau: It is. It’s crazy. You stick those pieces of metal and it’s the same thing everywhere. Exactly.
Donovan: So how many interviews do you think you’ve done at the show so far?
Beau: I have no idea. I have at least six hours, so.
Donovan: Oh man. You’ve been cranking it up
Beau: I have some work
Donovan: Have you heard any really interesting or crazy stories so far in the time you’ve been doing interviews?
Beau: In the time we’ve been doing interviews? Okay, Yes. So one of the craziest interviews I had, there’s a metal sculptor out of Canada, his name’s Kevin Stone. Crazy. He’s like building a giant replica of one of the Game of Thrones dragons. He’s built like, gigantic T-rexes out of stainless steel. He’s got the… he made the giant eagle at Dollywood, you know. It’s like he’s done some cool stuff and
Donovan: Pretty legit
Beau: Dude that, that story was crazy like… he had so many legal battles because people were trying to rip him off all the time. Like he had partners that just screwed him over, tried to like, sell stuff out from underneath him.
Donovan: Oh my gosh! And this is on one of your podcasts?
Beau: Yeah
Donovan: So people could go listen to that on your feed?
Beau: Yeah, absolutely
Donovan: Oh, that sounds awesome, man.
Beau: That one was pretty crazy here I met a guy, his name is Mike Ride Your Bike. He’s awesome. Like one of the just very knowledgeable guy. Yeah. But he is like so passionate about welding, but he was telling me all about bush cutter planes in Alaska. He loves them like, he’s a forestry guy. So he was working on those all the time and he just told me all about these bush cutter planes and was so passionate about it. That’s my favorite thing when I’m talking to somebody. If you’re passionate. It’s like, that’s what I like. I don’t like okay, here’s your cookie cutter answer you know?
Donovan: So, if you listen to the Fab Tech podcast you’re doing, you might hear a little bit from Mike ride your bike.
Beau: Oh, you’re definitely going to hear it from Mike ride your bike. He’s one of my favorite hangs so far.
Donovan: Maybe Mike ride your Bike will get his own episode down the line.
Beau: Hey, I hope so. He is a wealth of knowledge man. It’s crazy just hearing him every time, I mean, because I’m trying to interview more just people coming through the conference being like, Hey, why are you here? What are you trying to get out of Fabtech? And like, what do you think? You know? It’s like trying to get. This is my first time at Fabtech, so I’m trying to let people not be as caught off guard as I was. I was just like, oh my goodness! This is crazy. People walking in. So that’s what my goal with this week is, kind of get people a vibe of what it’s like to be at Fabtech and why it’s important that’s another thing.
Donovan: And what’s interesting is just in those two stories you shared when we were talking about welders and we had one guy who’s a sculptor and another guy who’s working on bush planes and that’s just when you started to get into the welding community, it’s not just, you know, fixing the fender on a car. There are so many things that you could do. There’s just, it’s a skillset that you could probably go into a lot of fields and do a lot of really interesting things, whether from working on top of a building to you know working in Alaska.
Beau: That’s another thing that I want to do on the podcast. Like that’s a passion of mine. When I went through school, it was like, all right, you can, you can be a manufacturer welder, you can be a structural welder, and you can be a pipe welder. I was like, that’s pretty lame. I was like, there’s only three things to do. You know, and I was like, no way. I got to learn more. And so my goal with our Podcast is showing people how many different facets of the welding industry there are. So, oh yeah. You’re like, man, I really hate doing mig welding and I hate welding in general. Oh, well I could go into metallurgy. Oh cool! I can learn about filler metals. I can do robotics. It’s like, I don’t like welding with my hands, but I can program a computer. Dude, you got a job forever. Because that’s where the industry is going.
Donovan: There’s so many robots and co-bots at this show right now that if you’re a young person listening to this and you’re looking to get into welding, that’s definitely a realm that is going to be up and coming back Field.
Beau: It’s crazy. There’s laser welding, and there’s like micro laser welding. Yeah. There’s all kinds of crazy, like I was so excited to see these co-bots because I’ve been, I was told about them and I’m like, these things don’t exist. And so I finally saw it, I was like, damn! Crazy!
Beau: Like it’s innovating. Like that’s just going to help people out a lot
Donovan: Right. And, as we’re trying to make the industry healthier and safer. Yes. Those are some things that if you’re, you know, a lot of times when people were welding on really toxic materials that’d have to be in a respirator all day. Where now the co-bots are able to be there and they’re able to handle that and get the actual operator away from it. And that’s kind, that’s what we’re about here, you know, and then we can collect those fumes on that robot where you don’t have to be near it so you’re healthier and go home a little better. So yeah. Technology.
Beau: You won’t get the metal fever. You know, you don’t have to go home and eat a bunch of cheese and bread and milk and try to fight that metal fever.
Donovan: The metal fever. Exactly.
Beau: So everybody tells you… that was like, I was terrified coming out of school. They’re like, don’t you ever weld galvanize because you’re going feel like you have the worst flu you’ve ever had. And then like one of my first weld tests I went out to take was an uphill galvanized test. And I was like, do you guys have any like fume extractors? Do you have any like respirators? And they were like no it’s cool. I was like, awesome. Well, like they warned me about this. I like did my test like way back here I had it all stretched out and I went home and ate like five cheese sticks just in case. But I think I think I was pretty safe.
Donovan: Well you’re still here today so that’s good.
Beau: Barely. They hit through.
Donovan: So, I really appreciate you sharing about what you guys have going on in there. It sounds great. Exciting. If anybody’s listening, they can probably find you guys on every social media platform or?
Beau: Yeah. is where you can find the majority of our stuff. If you’re looking for my podcast, it’s weld by It just weld. It’s like, what do you want to learn about? Weld. I want to learn how to weld.
Donovan: Yeah. Well that’s great. Hey, I appreciate you giving us a minute today to talk. I know you probably already have people lining up in your booth because they want to talk to you.
Beau: I got to set some stuff up that’s for sure
Donovan: So we’ll let you get going, but thanks again.
Beau: Hey, I appreciate you for having me
Donovan: Yeah, it’s great to meet you. Well, I’m sure we’ll probably talk to you again somewhere down the line.
Beau: Oh yeah, we’re right across the street. You come on. You got to come on mine next.
Donovan: You go. Maybe you have to come up and meet us up in Mercer, PA someday.
Beau: I would love to. I mean, just seeing like the gamut of what you all have, like it’d be cool to see it in facilities and stuff and I really want to help get the word out for yours too. Yeah. You know, it’s like this is American made good stuff. You don’t have to wait for it to come all the way over from like Shipped from out of the country. It’s right here.
Donovan: It’s right here. Serviced right here. It’s made right here by American welders.
Beau: That’s what we’re doing.
Donovan: There we go!
Beau: Welders doing stuff together!
Donovan: Exactly. Awesome. Well thanks for listening. If you want to enjoy more podcasts from us, you can watch them on YouTube. You can check us out on Twitter, Instagram. We’re on all the social media platforms. But until the next time we get to talk to you guys, stay healthy, stay safe and thanks for listening.
Beau: Thanks man.
Narrator: Thanks for listening to the Dusty Jobs Podcast. Breathe better, work safer.
In this special episode we are recording at Fabtech Atlanta 2022 from our booth. We are talking with Brian Norris from Nordfab Ducting. He discusses what they do at Nordfab and what the different types of ducting there are and their different uses.
Narrator: Welcome to the Dusty Jobs Podcast from Imperial Systems. Industry knowledge to make your job easier and safer.
Donovan: Hello, and welcome to another episode of the Dusty Jobs Podcast. Today, Brian Norris is here from Nordfab Ducting. How are you doing?
Brian: Doing excellent! How about yourself?
Donovan: Good! And if you’re listening this and it seems a little loud, it’s because we are at Fabtech. We’re doing a big trade show this week. And you guys are here too, aren’t you?
Brian: Yeah, absolutely. So we’re over in A Hall, booth 1946.
Donovan: So guys are looking forward to the first day of the show. We’re looking forward to a lot of people coming in and I’m sure you are too.
Brian: Absolutely. We got a full team over there ready to talk to people, and it’s been really busy so far.
Donovan: How many Fabtechs have you been to Brian?
Brian: So this is going on my fifth year with Nordfab, so five years.
Donovan: Do they still have it during 2020, or no?
Brian: Well, yeah that’s a good point. I think we did kind of furlough that one.
Donovan: Yeah, I couldn’t remember.
Brian: So maybe three. Three or four.
Donovan: But it’s always a great show for us. I’m sure it is for you guys too.
Brian: Absolutely. It is a great show. And it’s the last one of the year; we’re excited about it.
Donovan: For people who aren’t familiar with Nordfab: What is Nordfab?
Brian: So Nordfab Ducting is going on forty-four years now of manufacturing ducting. We’re in Thomasville, North Carolina. It’s kind of the furniture capital of the world, so think about textiles, manufacturing, dust, things like that… that’s kind of how we got started. And we kind of revolved into our quick fit plan, which is kind of our package plan…
Donovan: You said quick fit plan…
Brian: Exactly. We call it QF. But it’s our quick fit plan. It makes insulation extremely easy…
Donovan: As opposed to a slow fit plan.
Brian: That’s right. Or let’s say, the screws went in spiraling, or even bolts on a flange product which we got to talk about later…
Donovan: Sure, sure, okay.
Brian: But yeah, quick fit is our less labor-intensive way to install tons of ducting. It’s basically modular, so our pipes come in modular sections and you just clamp them together and go.
Donovan: Gotcha. So your style of duct work is a quick… quick… I’m going to mess this up. Quick fit clamp. There we go, I finally got it!
Brian: And we can call it QF if you want.
Donovan: QF! Let’s do that. That’ll make it easier. So you guys have a QF-style duct work. You mentioned it comes in five-foot sections.
Brian: Correct.
Donovan: And you say it’s less labor intensive. So, everyone who is listening, we don’t have a piece here. Tell me how this works. Explain it to me.
Brian: It’s completely modular. So what’s great about it is you can system up. You can take a system down. You can move it across town…
Donovan: But you’re telling me there’s no screws or clamps on this.
Brian: That’s right. Just clamps together. So we have a rolled lip, and those two pieces of rolled lip are married together and then they clamp right down.
Donovan: So is it a lot like what you get on a barrel lid clamp?
Brian: Yeah, exactly. A lot like that.
Donovan: Okay. But then it holds the ductwork together.
Brian: Yeah, absolutely.
Donovan: And it’s solid enough that you don’t have to use anything else?
Brian: Nope. That’s it.
Donovan: Okay.
Brian: We do have a gasket of what we call a QFS, it’s a quick fit seal. If you have an oil mist application of where you want leakproof, we do have a gasket for that. But that would be the only real thing that you would do differently.
Donovan: Gotcha. Quick fit. QF. Is it okay to use in every application? Is it okay to use indoor, outdoor, is there spots where you should use it or shouldn’t use it?
Brian: Yeah, great question. You can use it anywhere. It’s a tried and tested product. We actually have third-party testing on it as well, so there’s leakage rates and all of that. In an outdoor application, because a system is inherently pulling moisture and there are some leakage points. You would want to add that quick UFS seal in an outdoor application, and then we’ll epoxy some of the branches and elbows as well if you tell us, so we’re not pulling moisture into the system.
Donovan: Gotcha. Because on a dust collection HVAC, we’re going to be at negative pressure…
Brian: Exactly. It’s going to bear pulling from all different areas.
Donovan: And I can say from the dust collector’s side, we don’t want to be sucking the rain in from outside.
Brian: That’s not a good thing. Exactly.
Donovan: So now that we’re putting it all together and it’s real simple and easy, how big of a piece can I get in this quick fit?
Brian: Great question. In our QF system we can do three inches in diameter all the way up to twenty-four inches in diameter. Anything larger than that, which we can go up to 84 inches in ducting.
Donovan: So your duct can be 84 inches from Nordfab…
Brian: But not in QF.
Donovan: QF goes to…
Brian: Twenty-four.
Donovan: Gotcha.
Brian: And then anything over twenty-four, we will do a flange on. So we vance on it, put a flange on it. And you can up anywhere from twenty-five to eighty-four.
Donovan: So we’re talking about a flange together, ductwork. That’s one that you actually have to bolt.
Brian: That’s right. So you got bolt pattern all around the flange. You got to put an individual roll with a nut on it, which is a little bit time-consuming.
Donovan: I can see how… when you get up to that size, how many bolts do you have to put in there?
Brian: I mean, an eighty-four-inch, we’re talking about a huge piece of ducting. It could be twenty, forty bolts.
Donovan: What about on like a twenty-eight-inch piece?
Brian: Ah, well that’s the other thing. We do custom bolt patterns. You could do as little as three or four, or as many as twenty if you wanted.
Donovan: So you could have twenty in that, but if you did a quick fit, it’s just one clip, and you’re done.
Brian: Less than ten seconds. Throw the clamp on. Put the carter pin in. Move on to the next one.
Donovan: So to put these systems together, do you have to come to you guys to get a specific training on how this goes together? Is this something that someone who owns their own woodshop or their own weld shop… could they do it on their own?
Brian: Yeah, in theory anyone could put this together. There are Youtube videos out there on how to put it together. It’s super simple. We have woodshop guys do their own installations all the time.
Donovan: Okay. Are there other companies out there that also have this system in place.
Brian: Yeah absolutely. We have competitors that try to copy and mirror what we do, if you will. But we still think we do it a lot better.
Donovan: So what’s different about you guys and them?
Brian: A little bit of history about Nordfab: We’re ISO-certified 9001 to 14001, okay? We laser cut. We laser weld. And we build quality into the product. We’re trying to give you the very best product we can, built into the product. And we think we do it better than others, and we have a ton of tools that can go along with that. But we think we do a really good job at manufacturing that. And we are a global company. Majority of our corporate headquarters is in Thomasville, NC. The majority of what we sell globally is out of that facility. But we have other locations around the world as well and we’ve been doing it for a long time and we really take a lot of pride in what we do.
Donovan: That’s great! So, let’s take a little bit of a shift here. Obviously, you guys sell ductwork. But if I’m a shop owner, or a business owner, or a weld shop… I know it’s not as simple as buying some ductwork and putting it up there. I mean, there’s got to be some type of formula. I’ve been in a lot of facilities and you don’t just have one piece of ductwork that’s the side of… well, actually you do see that in some places. But from the dust collection side we know that that’s not the best way to do that. So do you guys help at all with someone who just wants to size that system out?
Brian: Yeah. Absolutely. So, one thing we see a lot of people coming to us wanting the help. So we go to market through dealers and distributors. We don’t sell direct. But we do like to take and foster those leads and work with those individuals through a specific dealer in their market and try to help them out. Now we have some tools that help load the in-user end, our dealer out, and one of those that we just launched… and we love our acronyms, so I apologize here. It’s QFV, which is quick fit vid. So that’s our 3-D drawing tool that we’re very proud of. It’s a proprietary tool that Nordfab had developed to incorporate our ducting, our clamps, our accessories, all the things we sell along with our product reference playbook, if you will. So that tool’s very helpful, because what is different about that tool from our competitors is that it will do sizing for you, it will give you pressure loss calculations, and it kind of takes a lot of the guesswork out for someone who’s kind of a novice, and doesn’t understand all that.
Donovan: Right. So if I’m moving into my new woodwork shop, right? And I’m looking at everything, and I know where my equipment is going to be. Then I’ve got to figure out how to make sure all the ducts get sized properly, and I call up Nordfab. Next thing you’re going to do is send me to someone that you guys have already trained on how to do this, is that right?
Brian: That’s correct. So we have dealers all over the country that know how to use this tool and are using this tool to help generate those drawings and those quotes for those customers.
Donovan: And then that person will help work through the design and get my order together.
Brian: Absolutely.
Donovan: And then send it to you guys and then you guys get it out the door.
Brian: Exactly.
Donovan: Gotcha. Gotcha. So, you’ve been doing this for a while. What do you think the biggest mistake is that you see a lot of people when they’re doing this… what do you think it is?
Brian: Well, what we see is, you got a piece of pipe, and then you got to drop down to a machine. People love T-branches. They think ‘Aw, that’s so easy. I’ll just run a T-branch down to that machine. A ninety-degree bend for airflow is not great, right? Contrary to popular belief. So we’ll incorporate elbows that may be on a thirty or forty-five degree and gently roll into that flow, rather than be on a ninety. So, we see that a lot. People want to throw Ts in there and they really aren’t that great for airflow.
Donovan: Might look like the right idea, but it’s not the right idea.
Brian: Exactly. And then the other thing we see is balancing flow. We sell manual and automatic blast gates. And so what a lot of guys will do with our manual blast gates… you get a lot of negative pressure in there… and they’ll actually use the blast gates… you can open them as much or as little as you want…
Donovan: Now you’re using the word blast gates…
Brian: It’s a little misconceiving. It’s more of just a gate that closes, we don’t actually use them for anything blasting.
Donovan: So it’s almost like a knife valve that’s in the pipe?
Brian: Exactly. It looks like a guillotine almost. So it’s sliding up and down inside of the pipe…
Donovan: And the point of that is to…
Brian: Well, there’s multiple uses. One that I was getting at is you can regulate airflow, right? So if you’re not getting the airflow you need, you can open it a little and bleed some air in to help regulate your airflow. And you can also put it as a capture point. So let’s say you’re a small woodshop, you’ve only got maybe a five-horsepower collector but you’ve got eight machines. Well, you’re one guy. You can’t run all eight machines at one time. So let’s close seven of them off, and only open one of them while you’re operating. So your collectors are working at full efficiency.
Donovan: And I know on our dust collector’s side that if you can do that, it actually allows you to buy a smaller unit which then can save you money and energy in the end.
Brian: Absolutely. So that’s another use for that.
Donovan: Now, one of the things I see people, in woodworking at least… they love the flex stuff.
Brian: They do.
Donovan: So what’s your opinion on flex stuff?
Brian: Less is more.
Donovan: Less is more?
Brian: Try to use less flex stuff. The more hard piping you can use, the better flow you’re going to get, in our opinion. We see a lot of people wanting to run all kinds of flex stuff and it’s never straight. It’s got a bend in it and it’s curled up, and it is challenging when you’re trying to collect dust and things like that.
Donovan: On our side, we say that really makes the system work a lot harder.
Brian: It does.
Donovan: Where it could be more efficient to pull more dust away from the process.
Brian: Right. Absolutely.
Donovan: Now we were talking about the slide piece. You started to say that’s how you would balance the system. Let’s say I have this much money this year, and I know I’m going to buy this piece of equipment. But I know that next year I’m going to have more money, and I’m going to buy more equipment. Does it make sense to buy the ductwork for the future? Or does it make sense to buy it later?
Brian: The good thing about quick fit is, you could buy an end cap. You can run a section twenty feet and put an end cap on it and stop the flow of air, right? Put them in the ends. You want to buy two machines later, the quick fix is you just unclamp it and start adding your pipes. So, with our modular quick-fix system, it makes it super simple to add another drop pretty efficiently later if you want to do that.
Donovan: We’ve experienced that too. We have a lot of people who you can go in and help adjust things later down the line. Hopefully peoples’ businesses keep growing, or they just get that new piece of equipment that’s going to help them and they’re not so locked into a framework that it makes it impossible for them to adjust or costs them a lot of money to adjust.
Brian: Exactly. And that’s why this is so great. You decide you want your machine on the left or the right, you just unclamp it, spin your ducting and you plant the back. That’s what makes the quick fit so great. You’re not stuck to one position or place.
Donovan: I’ve also been in places where the whole process has changed, and then they have to rearrange for where their machines are.
Brian: We see that a lot. A lot of companies change machines all the time. They don’t like it there, or they need more space. Things like that.
Donovan: So those are some things maybe if someone is trying to think ahead, they’re thinking about buying a machine. That’s what a lot of people are doing here at Fabtech.
Brian: Absolutely.
Donovan: And when they start getting into that design phase, it might be something to consider, what’s coming up down the line.
Brian: For sure.
Donovan: Well, since we’re talking about other companies’ future growth and what they think is coming down the line, what about you guys? What about Nordfab? What’s coming up for you down the line?
Brian: We’re growing year over year ever since I’ve been down there and even before that, but it’s pretty exciting this year. We broke ground on a fifty-five thousand square foot addition.
Donovan: Wow.
Brian: So we should be under a roof here before Christmas on that. And we got some warehouse automation we’re incorporating next year. So our goal is to have more products and more standard products readily available on the shelf, ready to go so we can ship faster and provide the very best products as quickly as possible.
Donovan: So you’re going to keep doing what you’re doing, but you’re going to be doing it faster and trying to get the product out sooner? Sounds great!
Brian: And what we’re doing with that is we’re incorporating our quote tools and our drawing tools to point you in the right direction with more standard product that’s on the shelf. So when you’re drawing those drawings it’s going to…
Donovan: Let you know what’s available?
Brian: Yeah. It’s going to lead you down the right path so you can get the product faster. We’re working a lot of that stuff and it’s going to be really impressive. We’re excited about that.
Donovan: That does sound great. That sounds like a really good thing you have going on there.
Brian: Absolutely.
Donovan: Well, is there anything else that you think is important to tell people about ductwork, other than probably don’t use spiral duct if you’re going to be in a high-pressure situation?
Brian: Do not! I mean, we had a conversation about that earlier about a guy that turned his collector on and his spiral duct collapsed.
Donovan: We did! We had a guy do that!
Brian: You know our product is twenty gauge, all the way down to ten gauge. So it’s a really robust product. Again, it’s laser cut, laser welded. Our clamps are the very best clamps. We keep reinventing the wheel and squeaking that clamp, and we’re on three or four iterations in the past few years just tweaking and making it that much better. And I think that’s what separates us from our competitors. We keep notching up the intensity every year and trying to do better.
Donovan: Not that the old one was bad, but the new one is better.
Brian: Yeah. And we talk to our dealers. We get feedback. They tell us what they like and they don’t like, and we try to incorporate that and make it better.
Donovan: Same here at Imperial. Well Brian, I want to say thanks for joining us, I appreciate it. I hope you guys have a great show.
Brian: Thank you guys for having us. You’re a great partner with Nordfab and we appreciate the business, and for having us here today.
Donovan: Yeah, yeah! So everybody out there who’s listening, thanks for tuning in, thanks for listening. We’ll be trying to do a few more of these from Fabtech, and hopefully, you guys enjoy them. Until next time, stay healthy and stay safe. You can find us on Instagram and Twitter… we’re on every social media platform. You guys are too, right?
Brian: Absolutely.
Donovan: Check them out.
Brian: And again, we’re at booth A-1946, we’re at Fabtech. Stop by and see us.
Donovan: There you go. All right, thanks so much.
Brian: Thanks guys.
Donovan: Have a great day. Bye.
Narrator: Thanks for listening to the Dusty Jobs Podcast. Breathe better, work safer.