CMAXX Dust Pig
The CMAXX™ Dust Pig from Imperial Systems Inc is designed specifically for the hydraulic fracturing industry. This product is the only patented solution for the constant dust and sand generated by frac trucks. Unlike any other product on the market, the CMAXX™ Dust Pig is self-contained, portable, and mounted on the frac truck or a trailer mounted silo.

With OSHA’s new limits on silica dust exposure going in effect June 2018, Imperial Systems can help you become compliant. The Dust Pig can be installed on new equipment or retro fit on existing equipment. It is designed to filter the sand and dust that is vented during the process of loading sand into and conveying it out of the Frac sand storage trailer.
When a frac truck is loaded, vents release displaced air to stabilize pressure, along with huge clouds of sand and dust. When a truck is being retrofitted with a CMAXX™ Dust Pig the already existing vents can be locked down to force the displaced air through the filtration equipment. The CMAXX™ Dust Pig is the only patented sand dust collector to filter that process. In addition to this use, this product can also be used on conveyors, batch mixers, trailer mounted silos, and any other sources of airborne particulate.
Features unique to the CMAXX line of collectors include heavy-duty construction, easy filter changes, and our company’s excellent field service and warranty coverage.

Our Patented filtration technology is shown installed on sand storage trucks that feed a conveyor at a hydraulic fracturing “Fracking” work site. This technology is crucial in keeping the workers safe from silica exposure and is also compliant with OSHA’s new silica dust exposure standards.