Ever wonder how much facilities like yours might be paying when they don’t have proper dust control?
When a facility doesn’t have proper dust control equipment installed, or when they fail to protect their workers from welding fumes or combustible dust, fines from OSHA may be in your future. Since March of 2016, numerous fines OSHA have been handed out for respiratory hazard violations:
- A cement company in Ohio is looking at a $92,000 fine for violations that include silica dust exposure
- A company’s abrasive blasting process without proper air filtration resulted in a $121,000 fine for exposing workers to airborne lead
- Fines for a power equipment manufacturer may total $77,000 for violations including failure to evaluate dust hazards
- A pallet manufacturer is facing $152,000 in fines for safety hazards including combustible dust build-up
- Exposing workers to lead and cadmium dust at seven times the permissible limit will cost a Pennsylvania foundry $42,000
- A minerals company that failed to provide proper air quality and dust control exposed workers to lead and arsenic, which may cost them $106,000
Is your dust collection system ensuring you don’t face these kinds of fines? Imperial Systems can help! Our custom-designed dust control systems will help keep your facility and your employees safe. Call one of our knowledgeable team members today to learn more! 800-918-3013.